اكتشف وشارك صورك المفضلة
The hidden volume of a single tree and the exposed part seem to be equal when they differ from each other, the distance I travel to you and return and the distance you come to me and leave seem the same yet are not the same.
나무 한 그루의 가려진 부피와 드러난 부분이 서로 다를 듯 맞먹을 적에 내가 네게로 갔다 오는 거리와 네가 내게로 왔다 가는 거리는 같을 듯 같지 않다.
The hidden volume of a single tree and the exposed part when they seem to differ yet match each other, the distance I travel to you and return, and the distance you come to me and depart, seem the same yet are not the same.
나무 한 그루의 가려진 부피와 드러난 부분이 서로 다를 듯 맞먹을 적에 내가 네게로 갔다 오는 거리와 네가 내게로 왔다 가는 거리는 같을 듯 같지 않다.
A woman wearing a magnificent crown is sitting on a heart-shaped cushion in a beautiful forest and a lush meadow. She is dressed in a glamorous gown adorned with pomegranates and wearing a pearl necklace.
화려한 왕관을 한 여인이 아름다운 숲과 풍요로운 들판에 하트모양의 쿠션에 앉아있다. 석류가 그려진 화려한 원피스와 진주목걸이를 하고 있다.
A woman wearing a magnificent crown is sitting on a heart-shaped cushion in a beautiful forest and a lush meadow. She is dressed in a glamorous gown adorned with pomegranates and wears a pearl necklace.
화려한 왕관을 한 여인이 아름다운 숲과 풍요로운 들판에 하트모양의 쿠션에 앉아있다. 석류가 그려진 화려한 원피스와 진주목걸이를 하고 있다.
Portrait image of Santa Claus holding gifts, leading a reindeer, smiling happily. At the top of the image, it says "Merry Christmas," and at the bottom, it says "Welcome to the exhibition hall to participate in the Christmas event."
When you step into the door, the vastness of the sea as wide as the sky and the sky as deep as the sea are side by side, and their desires often meet.
하늘만한 바다 넓이와 바다만큼 깊은 하늘빛이 나란히 문 안에 들어서면 서로의 바람은 곧잘 눈이 맞는다.
A beautiful, modern garden with a pond and seating area. In the background, a beautiful, modern house. Blue sky, sunshine.
Ein wunderschöner, moderner Garten mit einem Teich und Sitzbereich. Im Hintergrund ein wunderschönes, modernes Haus. Blauer Himmel, Sonnenschein.
A beautiful, modern house with a beautiful, well-kept, modern garden. Blue sky and sunshine.
Ein wunderschönes, modernes Haus mit einem wunderschönen, gepflegten, modernen Garten. Blauer Himmel und Sonnenschein.
The hidden volume of a single tree and the exposed part seem to be equal when they are different from each other. The distance I come to you and return, and the distance you come to me and leave, seems the same yet different.
나무 한 그루의 가려진 부피와 드러난 부분이 서로 다를 듯 맞먹을 적에 내가 네게로 갔다 오는 거리와 네가 내게로 왔다 가는 거리는 같을 듯 같지 않다.
a woman drawn in the style of Manara wearing a one-piece competition swimsuit.
une femme dessinée dans le style de Manara portant un maillot de bain de compétition une pièce.
When you step into the door, the vastness of the sea as wide as the sky and the depth of the sky as deep as the sea are side by side, and their desires often meet.
하늘만한 바다 넓이와 바다만큼 깊은 하늘빛이 나란히 문 안에 들어서면 서로의 바람은 곧잘 눈이 맞는다.
When you step into the door, the vastness of the sea as wide as the sky and the sky as deep as the sea are side by side, and their desires often meet each other's eyes.
하늘만한 바다 넓이와 바다만큼 깊은 하늘빛이 나란히 문 안에 들어서면 서로의 바람은 곧잘 눈이 맞는다.
When you step into the door, the vastness of the sea as wide as the sky and the depth of the sky as deep as the sea are side by side, and their desires often meet each other's eyes.
하늘만한 바다 넓이와 바다만큼 깊은 하늘빛이 나란히 문 안에 들어서면 서로의 바람은 곧잘 눈이 맞는다.