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The generated image shows a public official performing customs duties at the airport. It includes a modern background within the airport, security devices, and even travelers, effectively capturing the atmosphere of an actual site.
생성된 이미지는 공항에서 관세청 업무를 수행 중인 공무원의 모습을 보여줍니다. 공항 내부의 현대적인 배경과 보안 장치, 그리고 여행객들까지 포함되어 있어, 실제 현장에서의 분위기를 잘 표현하고 있습니다.
Cosmetics, made into an icon image, solid color, cute style, rounded rectangle.
The 18th card of the Western Tarot: A dog and a wolf gaze at the moon, and a lobster is in the pond.
서양타로카드 18. 개와 늑대가 달을 처다보고 웅덩이에 바다가재가 있다
anime style. Wearing a Santa Claus hat, a lutino cockatiel.
anime style.Wearing a Santa Claus hat lutino cockatiel
A loving and gentle mother. She stands in a warm kitchen, with the morning sunlight streaming through the window. Her face is full of a soft smile, her eyes showing care and joy as she watches her child playing nearby. Wearing simple home clothes with a headscarf, but full of warmth and comfort. Her hands are preparing breakfast, yet she occasionally glances at her child with love. Beside her, there are scattered children's toys on the floor, showing her daily life full of attention to her family. On the dining table, there might be a cup of tea or coffee ready to be enjoyed after taking care of all household needs. Outside the window, there is a garden view with blooming flowers, adding a peaceful impression to the home atmosphere.
Seorang ibu yang penuh kasih sayang dan kelembutan. Dia berdiri di sebuah dapur yang hangat, dengan cahaya matahari pagi yang masuk lewat jendela. Wajahnya penuh senyum lembut, matanya terlihat penuh perhatian dan kebahagiaan saat melihat anaknya bermain di dekatnya. Mengenakan pakaian rumah yang sederhana dengan kerudung, tapi penuh kesan kehangatan dan kenyamanan. Tangannya sedang menyiapkan sarapan, namun dia juga sesekali melirik anaknya dengan penuh kasih.Di sampingnya, ada beberapa mainan anak yang berserakan di lantai, menunjukkan kesehariannya yang penuh dengan perhatian terhadap keluarga. Di meja makan, mungkin ada secangkir teh atau kopi yang siap dinikmati setelah mengurus semua kebutuhan rumah tangga. Di luar jendela, ada pemandangan taman dengan bunga-bunga yang sedang mekar, yang menambah kesan damai pada suasana rumah.
Create a book cover with the text "Embroidery" and the word "Poetry Anthology"
buatkan sampul buku dengan tulisa menyulam kata antologi puisi
anime style. Wearing a Santa Claus hat lutino cockatiel
anime style.Wearing a Santa Claus hat lutino cockatiel
anime style. Wearing a Santa Claus hat lutino cockatiel
anime style.Wearing a Santa Claus hat lutino cockatiel
The 18th card of the Western Tarot: A wolf and a dog looking at the moon, with a crayfish in a puddle.
서양타로카드 18. 늑대와 개가 달을 처다보고 웅덩이에 바다가재가 있다
Box handbag, made into an icon image, solid color, cute style, rounded rectangle.
Mobile electronics, create as an icon image, solid color, cute style, rounded rectangle.
Imagine a large, lush tree. The tree encompasses everything around it with its thick leaves, providing shade, protection, and comfort to all that are beneath it. Under this tree, there are children playing, laughing, feeling safe and protected. They do not know how hard the roots of the tree work, absorbing water and nutrients from the soil to ensure the tree remains alive and strong. However, the roots are a symbol of the unseen hard work of a mother, who patiently provides everything for her family without asking for anything in return. Every leaf that grows is a prayer and hope of the mother for her children's happiness. And every strong branch is the mother's effort to give direction, guidance, and protection. The mother is that tree—always present, giving endlessly, without expecting anything in return. If we were to depict the service of a mother in a picture, it could be a tree with strong roots, a sturdy trunk, and branches that extend out, creating endless protection, love, and support for her family.
Bayangkan sebuah pohon besar yang rindang. Pohon itu mencakup segala sesuatu yang ada di sekitarnya dengan daun-daun yang lebat, memberi keteduhan, perlindungan, dan kenyamanan bagi semua yang ada di bawahnya. Di bawah pohon ini, ada anak-anak yang sedang bermain, tertawa, merasa aman dan dilindungi. Mereka tidak tahu betapa kerasnya akar pohon itu bekerja, menyerap air dan nutrisi dari dalam tanah untuk memastikan pohon tetap hidup dan kuat. Namun, akar itu adalah simbol dari kerja keras ibu yang tidak terlihat, yang dengan sabar memberikan segala sesuatu untuk keluarganya tanpa meminta pamrih. Setiap daun yang tumbuh adalah doa dan harapan ibu untuk kebahagiaan anak-anaknya. Dan setiap cabang yang kuat adalah usaha ibu untuk memberi arah, bimbingan, dan perlindungan. Ibu adalah pohon itu—selalu ada, memberi tanpa henti, tanpa mengharapkan imbalan. Jika kita melukiskan jasa seorang ibu dalam bentuk gambar, itu bisa berupa pohon dengan akar yang kuat, batang yang kokoh, dan cabang-cabang yang menjulur, menciptakan perlindungan, cinta, dan dukungan yang tak terhingga bagi keluarganya.