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스마트폰을 들고있는 학생 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

A student holding a smartphone.

스마트폰을 들고있는 학생

丛林里有几条小路,有几个男女老少在路上走 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

In the jungle, there are several small paths, and a few men, women, and children of all ages are walking on them.


卡通风格,借鉴小熊维尼的形象,形成一个小熊厨师形象,背景空白 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

Cartoon style, inspired by the image of Winnie the Pooh, creating a bear chef character with a blank background.


하늘에는 큰별 하나와 주변에 작은별 7개가 반짝거리고 웅덩이와 들판이 있다 저멀리에는 작은 산이보이고 작은 나무에 새가 앉아있다 노란머리에 벗은 여인이  한쪽만 다리를 굽히고 붉은 한쪽컵의 물은 땅에 버리고 다른 한쪽컵의 물은 웅덩이에 붓는다.   by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

In the sky, there is one large star and seven small stars twinkling around it. There is a puddle and a field, and in the distance, a small mountain can be seen. A bird is perched on a small tree. A woman with yellow hair is bending one leg, pouring water from one red cup onto the ground and the other into the puddle.

하늘에는 큰별 하나와 주변에 작은별 7개가 반짝거리고 웅덩이와 들판이 있다 저멀리에는 작은 산이보이고 작은 나무에 새가 앉아있다 노란머리에 벗은 여인이 한쪽만 다리를 굽히고 붉은 한쪽컵의 물은 땅에 버리고 다른 한쪽컵의 물은 웅덩이에 붓는다.

      美食书籍绿色 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

"Green Gourmet Books" or "Eco-Friendly Culinary Books" could be possible translations, depending on the context. If "绿色" refers to environmentally friendly practices, "Eco-Friendly Culinary Books" might be more appropriate. If it refers to a specific series or title, "Green Gourmet Books" could be a suitable translation.


突出洗内裤的多彩图,卡通,漫画风格 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

Highlight the colorful illustration of washing underwear, in a cartoon or comic style.


2025元旦,卡丁车公司 4k节日海报 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

"2025 New Year's Day, Go-Kart Company 4K Festival Poster"

2025元旦,卡丁车公司 4k节日海报

突出洗内裤标识,场景细节丰富,层次鲜明 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

Highlight the label for washing underwear, with rich scene details and distinct layers.


하늘에는 큰별 하나와 주변에 작은별 7개가 반짝거리고 웅덩이와 들판이 있다 저멀리에는 작은 산이보이고 작은 나무에 새가 앉아있다 노란머리에 벗은 여인이  허리를 굽히고 오른손에 붉은컵에 물을 웅덩이에 버리고 왼손에 붉은 컵에 물은 옆에 들판에 붓는다.   by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

In the sky, there is one large star and seven small stars twinkling around it. There is a puddle and a field, and in the distance, a small mountain can be seen. A bird is perched on a small tree. A woman with yellow hair is bending her waist, pouring water from a red cup in her right hand into the puddle, and with a red cup in her left hand, she is pouring water into the field beside her.

하늘에는 큰별 하나와 주변에 작은별 7개가 반짝거리고 웅덩이와 들판이 있다 저멀리에는 작은 산이보이고 작은 나무에 새가 앉아있다 노란머리에 벗은 여인이 허리를 굽히고 오른손에 붉은컵에 물을 웅덩이에 버리고 왼손에 붉은 컵에 물은 옆에 들판에 붓는다.

突出洗袜子的多彩图,卡通,漫画风格 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

Highlight the colorful illustration of washing socks, in a cartoon and comic style.


2025元旦,卡丁车公司,中文字样,4k节日海报 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

"2025 New Year's Day, Karting Company, Chinese Characters, 4K Festival Poster"


突出洗袜子漫画风格,场景细节丰富,层次鲜明 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

Highlight the comic style of washing socks, with rich scene details and distinct layers.


こっちを見つめるおじいさんの顔 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

The face of the old man staring this way.


当阳光再次洒落在修补好的木屋上时,它仿佛焕发出了新的生机,散发出一种古朴而宁静的气息。 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

The sunlight slanted onto the ancient wooden house, and the mottled wood grain appeared particularly weathered under the sun. A craftsman was intently repairing the damaged parts of the wooden house. He held a hammer in his hand, carefully driving nails into the wooden boards, each strike accompanied by a crisp sound that echoed in the quiet air. Beside him, various tools and materials were scattered, including a saw, an axe, wooden blocks, and a paint bucket. From time to time, the craftsman would pick up a wooden block, compare it to the damaged part of the house, and then carefully saw it into the appropriate shape and size before securing it in place. As the craftsman worked, the damaged parts of the wooden house gradually began to mend, and the once precarious areas became sturdy once more. Finally, the craftsman picked up a paintbrush, dipped it into some dark brown paint, and meticulously applied it to the repaired sections, blending them seamlessly with the surrounding wood. When the sunlight once again fell upon the repaired wooden house, it seemed to radiate a new vitality, exuding an aura of antiquity and tranquility.

阳光斜洒在古老的木屋上,斑驳的木纹在阳光下显得格外沧桑。一位工匠正专注地修补着木屋的破损之处,他手持锤子,小心翼翼地将一枚枚钉子敲入木板中,每一次敲击都伴随着清脆的声响,回荡在宁静的空气中。 他的身旁散落着一些工具和材料,有锯子、斧头、木块和油漆桶等。工匠不时地拿起木块,比对着木屋的破损部分,然后用锯子仔细地锯出合适的形状和大小,再将其固定到原位。 随着工匠的修补,木屋的破损之处逐渐得到了修复,原本摇摇欲坠的地方也变得坚固起来。最后,工匠拿起油漆刷,蘸取了一些深棕色的油漆,仔细地涂抹在修补过的部分,使它们与周围的木屋表面融为一体。 当阳光再次洒落在修补好的木屋上时,它仿佛焕发出了新的生机,散发出一种古朴而宁静的气息。

sehr gutes realistisches Bild von vorne und von unten; von einer schönen frau mit langen dunklen Haaren in einem engen futuristischen Einteiler aus Latexstoff, Overkneestiefel, Korsett, futuristisch, science fiction, retro, im Hintergrund eine futuristisches Stadt, eine fliegende Untertasse am Himmel, tolle Augen by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

Very good realistic image from the front and below; of a beautiful woman with long dark hair in a tight futuristic bodysuit made of latex, over-the-knee boots, corset, futuristic, science fiction, retro, in the background a futuristic city, a flying saucer in the sky, amazing eyes.

sehr gutes realistisches Bild von vorne und von unten; von einer schönen frau mit langen dunklen Haaren in einem engen futuristischen Einteiler aus Latexstoff, Overkneestiefel, Korsett, futuristisch, science fiction, retro, im Hintergrund eine futuristisches Stadt, eine fliegende Untertasse am Himmel, tolle Augen

핸드폰을 보고 두려움에 떠는 여학생 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

A female student trembling in fear while looking at her phone.

핸드폰을 보고 두려움에 떠는 여학생

突出洗袜子,人物场景细节丰富,层次鲜明,中文 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

Highlighting the act of washing socks, with rich details of the characters and setting, and distinct layers, in Chinese.


城堡 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU



突出洗袜子标识,场景细节丰富,层次鲜明 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

Highlight the sock-washing sign with rich scene details and distinct layers.


按照下面提示给出图片:“自我实现预言”(Self-fulfilling Prophecy)。
 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

Here is the image based on the following prompt: "Self-fulfilling Prophecy." This is a socio-psychological phenomenon where an individual believes a certain statement or prediction about themselves and acts according to that belief, ultimately causing the prediction to come true. In psychology, this phenomenon demonstrates how people's expectations and beliefs can significantly influence their behavior and outcomes, thereby confirming the initial prediction.

按照下面提示给出图片:“自我实现预言”(Self-fulfilling Prophecy)。 这是一种社会心理现象,指的是当一个人相信某个关于自己的陈述或预测,并根据这个信念行动时,最终导致这个预测成为现实。在心理学中,这种现象表明人们的期望和信念可以显著影响他们的行为和结果,从而证实最初的预期。