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hutan  by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

The translation of "hutan" from Indonesian to English is "forest."


10 代の日本人の女の子は、ダイナミックな正面姿勢で立ち、両腕を左右に大きく伸ばし、開放感と周囲とのつながりを生み出しています。彼女の若々しく輝く肌は、上半身を包み込む鮮やかな花の海とシームレスに融合し、超現実的で有機的な融合を生み出しています。青々とした、非常に詳細な、そして満開の花々がフレームに溢れ出し、複雑な質感と鮮やかな色で空間を満たします。舞台は夢のような 4D レンダリングされた空間で、少女は生きている花柄のキャンバスから現れたかのように配置されています。視点は非常にシャープな 16K 解像度で、劇的な被写界深度が彼女の穏やかで軽い笑顔と柔らかく表情豊かな目を強調します。レンブラントの照明は、彼女の顔全体に温かみのある金色の色合いを投げかけ、彼女の繊細な顔の輪郭と肌上の光と影の相互作用を強調します。背景は華やかな金色の額縁で、その複雑なディテールが花の有機的な混沌と対照的です。雰囲気は幽玄で穏やかで、美と調和の感覚を呼び起こします。アートワークは、伝統的なポートレートと現代のデジタル芸術性を融合させ、純粋で超越的な美しさの瞬間を捉えた超リアルな 4DCG の傑作です。
すこしの微笑み含む顔ありがとうあと2枚接近 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

A teenage Japanese girl stands in a dynamic frontal pose, with both arms stretched out wide to the sides, creating a sense of openness and connection with her surroundings. Her youthful, radiant skin seamlessly blends with a vibrant sea of flowers enveloping her upper body, resulting in a surreal and organic fusion. Lush, highly detailed, and fully bloomed flowers overflow the frame, filling the space with intricate textures and vivid colors. The setting is a dreamlike 4D-rendered space, where the girl appears as if emerging from a living floral canvas. The perspective is in an incredibly sharp 16K resolution, with dramatic depth of field emphasizing her gentle, light smile and soft, expressive eyes. Rembrandt lighting casts a warm golden hue across her face, highlighting her delicate facial contours and the interplay of light and shadow on her skin. The background is adorned with an ornate golden frame, its intricate details contrasting with the organic chaos of the flowers. The atmosphere is serene and ethereal, evoking a sense of beauty and harmony. The artwork is a hyper-realistic 4DCG masterpiece, blending traditional portraiture with modern digital artistry, capturing a moment of pure, transcendent beauty. A face with a slight smile, thank you, and two more close-ups.

10 代の日本人の女の子は、ダイナミックな正面姿勢で立ち、両腕を左右に大きく伸ばし、開放感と周囲とのつながりを生み出しています。彼女の若々しく輝く肌は、上半身を包み込む鮮やかな花の海とシームレスに融合し、超現実的で有機的な融合を生み出しています。青々とした、非常に詳細な、そして満開の花々がフレームに溢れ出し、複雑な質感と鮮やかな色で空間を満たします。舞台は夢のような 4D レンダリングされた空間で、少女は生きている花柄のキャンバスから現れたかのように配置されています。視点は非常にシャープな 16K 解像度で、劇的な被写界深度が彼女の穏やかで軽い笑顔と柔らかく表情豊かな目を強調します。レンブラントの照明は、彼女の顔全体に温かみのある金色の色合いを投げかけ、彼女の繊細な顔の輪郭と肌上の光と影の相互作用を強調します。背景は華やかな金色の額縁で、その複雑なディテールが花の有機的な混沌と対照的です。雰囲気は幽玄で穏やかで、美と調和の感覚を呼び起こします。アートワークは、伝統的なポートレートと現代のデジタル芸術性を融合させ、純粋で超越的な美しさの瞬間を捉えた超リアルな 4DCG の傑作です。 すこしの微笑み含む顔ありがとうあと2枚接近

Create a romantic and dreamy scene of a couple lying under a starry night sky, inspired by Van Gogh's 'Starry Night'. The painting should be in oil, with soft moonlight and starlight illuminating the scene. Use deep blues and purples for the night sky, accented with gold and silver to represent the stars. The couple should be lying on a grassy hill, with the man resting his head on the woman's chest, both gazing up at the stars. The atmosphere should be warm and intimate, with the stars appearing as sparkling gems scattered across the dark blue canvas. The brushstrokes should be bold and expressive, capturing the swirling motion of the stars and the serene beauty of the night. by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

Under a vast, swirling night sky reminiscent of Van Gogh's *Starry Night*, a couple lies entwined on a gentle grassy hill. The deep blues and purples of the sky are alive with movement, as if the heavens themselves are dancing. Golden and silver stars twinkle like scattered gems, their light softly illuminating the scene. The man rests his head on the woman's chest, their bodies close, their gazes fixed upward, lost in the infinite expanse above. The moonlight bathes them in a gentle glow, casting a warm and intimate aura over the moment. The bold, expressive brushstrokes capture the swirling motion of the stars and the serene beauty of the night, creating a dreamlike atmosphere that feels both timeless and deeply personal. The grass beneath them is a soft, muted green, blending seamlessly into the dark horizon, as if the earth and sky are one. It is a scene of quiet romance, where the universe seems to pause, allowing the couple to exist in their own private world under the celestial canopy.

Create a romantic and dreamy scene of a couple lying under a starry night sky, inspired by Van Gogh's 'Starry Night'. The painting should be in oil, with soft moonlight and starlight illuminating the scene. Use deep blues and purples for the night sky, accented with gold and silver to represent the stars. The couple should be lying on a grassy hill, with the man resting his head on the woman's chest, both gazing up at the stars. The atmosphere should be warm and intimate, with the stars appearing as sparkling gems scattered across the dark blue canvas. The brushstrokes should be bold and expressive, capturing the swirling motion of the stars and the serene beauty of the night.

hutan  by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

The translation of "hutan" from Malay to English is "forest".


imagen muy realista de un hombre con cabellos largos blancos y sucios, sobrero, y ropa ajada, del año 1800 que se ve manchado de rojo por todas partes by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

A very realistic image of a man with long, white, and dirty hair, wearing a hat and tattered clothing from the 1800s, who appears to be stained red all over.

imagen muy realista de un hombre con cabellos largos blancos y sucios, sobrero, y ropa ajada, del año 1800 que se ve manchado de rojo por todas partes

una chica estilo anime rubia de pelo largo con un delantal negro en un restaurante sonriendo by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

A blonde anime-style girl with long hair, wearing a black apron, smiling in a restaurant.

una chica estilo anime rubia de pelo largo con un delantal negro en un restaurante sonriendo

La ilustración captura la esencia del cambio y la lucha que perdura a través del tiempo. En el centro de la escena, Azaak ha dejado de ser una figura humana, transformado ahora en una corriente de viento poderosa, una fuerza invisible pero palpable. El viento recorre vastos paisajes, un flujo etéreo que atraviesa fronteras y montañas. No tiene forma física, pero su presencia se siente como un soplo de esperanza que se extiende a lo largo y ancho, llevando consigo su mensaje de libertad.

A lo largo de su trayectoria, las cadenas que antes ataban a los corazones se rompen en pedazos, flotando por el aire como fragmentos quebrados. Estas cadenas, que representan la opresión, se disuelven, pero no de manera instantánea; su caída es lenta y poderosa, como si la liberación fuera un proceso que está tomando forma en cada rincón del mundo. Las cenizas de estas cadenas se dispersan en el viento, como si fueran recuerdos de la tiranía, ahora olvidados por la fuerza del cambio.

Una pequeña llama se enciende en el horizonte, brillando débilmente en medio de la oscuridad. Aunque es pequeña, tiene una intensidad y un simbolismo que trascienden su tamaño. Esta llama representa una promesa, un juramento inquebrantable de que la libertad florecerá en cada rincón del mundo, una llama que se encenderá nuevamente en aquellos que luchan por lo que es justo. A su alrededor, el aire se llena de un brillo suave, como si estuviera alimentada por la esperanza misma.

El paisaje, lleno de sombras y vacío, comienza a iluminarse por la fuerza de esa nueva llama. Aunque el cielo es gris y sombrío, el viento que emana de Azaak barre la oscuridad, llevando consigo las voces de aquellos que aún luchan. En la distancia, se perciben las siluetas de personas que levantan los brazos, como si respondieran al llamado de Azaak, guiados por el eco de su promesa eterna.

A pesar de la ausencia de Dios, la escena está cargada de la memoria de los caídos. Los ecos de su sacrificio resuenan en el aire, y sus by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

The illustration captures the essence of change and the enduring struggle that persists through time. At the center of the scene, Azaak has ceased to be a human figure, now transformed into a powerful current of wind, an invisible yet palpable force. The wind traverses vast landscapes, an ethereal flow that crosses borders and mountains. It has no physical form, but its presence is felt like a breath of hope that spreads far and wide, carrying with it a message of freedom. Along its path, the chains that once bound hearts are shattered into pieces, floating in the air like broken fragments. These chains, representing oppression, dissolve, but not instantly; their fall is slow and powerful, as if liberation is a process taking shape in every corner of the world. The ashes of these chains scatter in the wind, like memories of tyranny, now forgotten by the force of change. A small flame ignites on the horizon, glowing faintly amidst the darkness. Though small, it carries an intensity and symbolism that transcend its size. This flame represents a promise, an unbreakable oath that freedom will flourish in every corner of the world, a flame that will reignite in those who fight for what is just. Around it, the air fills with a soft glow, as if nourished by hope itself. The landscape, filled with shadows and emptiness, begins to brighten under the force of this new flame. Though the sky is gray and somber, the wind emanating from Azaak sweeps away the darkness, carrying with it the voices of those who still fight. In the distance, the silhouettes of people raising their arms can be seen, as if responding to Azaak's call, guided by the echo of his eternal promise. Despite the absence of God, the scene is laden with the memory of the fallen. The echoes of their sacrifice resonate in the air, and their...

La ilustración captura la esencia del cambio y la lucha que perdura a través del tiempo. En el centro de la escena, Azaak ha dejado de ser una figura humana, transformado ahora en una corriente de viento poderosa, una fuerza invisible pero palpable. El viento recorre vastos paisajes, un flujo etéreo que atraviesa fronteras y montañas. No tiene forma física, pero su presencia se siente como un soplo de esperanza que se extiende a lo largo y ancho, llevando consigo su mensaje de libertad. A lo largo de su trayectoria, las cadenas que antes ataban a los corazones se rompen en pedazos, flotando por el aire como fragmentos quebrados. Estas cadenas, que representan la opresión, se disuelven, pero no de manera instantánea; su caída es lenta y poderosa, como si la liberación fuera un proceso que está tomando forma en cada rincón del mundo. Las cenizas de estas cadenas se dispersan en el viento, como si fueran recuerdos de la tiranía, ahora olvidados por la fuerza del cambio. Una pequeña llama se enciende en el horizonte, brillando débilmente en medio de la oscuridad. Aunque es pequeña, tiene una intensidad y un simbolismo que trascienden su tamaño. Esta llama representa una promesa, un juramento inquebrantable de que la libertad florecerá en cada rincón del mundo, una llama que se encenderá nuevamente en aquellos que luchan por lo que es justo. A su alrededor, el aire se llena de un brillo suave, como si estuviera alimentada por la esperanza misma. El paisaje, lleno de sombras y vacío, comienza a iluminarse por la fuerza de esa nueva llama. Aunque el cielo es gris y sombrío, el viento que emana de Azaak barre la oscuridad, llevando consigo las voces de aquellos que aún luchan. En la distancia, se perciben las siluetas de personas que levantan los brazos, como si respondieran al llamado de Azaak, guiados por el eco de su promesa eterna. A pesar de la ausencia de Dios, la escena está cargada de la memoria de los caídos. Los ecos de su sacrificio resuenan en el aire, y sus

A digital art depiction of an underground structure designed to distribute weight evenly. The scene is illuminated with soft, uniform lighting to emphasize the stability of the underground space. The color palette consists of cool tones of gray and blue, capturing the cold atmosphere of the subterranean environment. The composition is a wide-angle shot that showcases the weight distribution design of the structure. The image is inspired by modern architectural and engineering designs, with a focus on the intricate details of the structure's construction. by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

A digital art depiction of an underground structure designed to distribute weight evenly. The scene is illuminated with soft, uniform lighting to emphasize the stability of the underground space. The color palette consists of cool tones of gray and blue, capturing the cold atmosphere of the subterranean environment. The composition is a wide-angle shot that showcases the weight distribution design of the structure. The image is inspired by modern architectural and engineering designs, with a focus on the intricate details of the structure's construction.


・テキスト、文字は入れない by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

Please consider the following features and elements for the company logo: - It is a comprehensive electrical manufacturer specializing in the production and assembly of automotive antenna boards. - The department name is "Millimeter Wave Manufacturing Department." - It should convey reliability, expertise, and high quality. - The color scheme should consist of four colors: a dark gray, a cyan blue, a slightly grayish achromatic color, and a calm bluish green. - The logo design should be uniquely innovative and professional, unlike anything seen before. - Do not include any text or letters.

以下の特徴・要素を詰め込んで会社のロゴを考えてください。 ・電機系の総合メーカーで車載アンテナ基板の製造・組立を生業にしている ・課の名称は「ミリ波製造課」 ・信頼性と専門性、ハイクォリティを感じさせるもの ・配色は灰色の暗い色、青シアン色、やや灰色い無彩色、落ち着いた青みの緑色の4色で構成してください ・これまでに無い奇抜でプロフェッショナルなロゴデザイン ・テキスト、文字は入れない

A digital art depiction of the destroyed Kilwa Kingdom, set during the golden hour with soft, diffused lighting casting long shadows across the ruins. The scene is bathed in a gradient of orange and purple hues, creating a dreamlike and melancholic atmosphere. The composition uses a wide-angle lens to capture the vast, desolate landscape of the once-thriving kingdom, with intricate details of the crumbling architecture and overgrown vegetation. The style is influenced by Monet's impressionist techniques, emphasizing the play of light and shadow to evoke a sense of nostalgia and loss. by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

A digital art depiction of the destroyed Kilwa Kingdom, set during the golden hour with soft, diffused lighting casting long shadows across the ruins. The scene is bathed in a gradient of orange and purple hues, creating a dreamlike and melancholic atmosphere. The composition uses a wide-angle lens to capture the vast, desolate landscape of the once-thriving kingdom, with intricate details of the crumbling architecture and overgrown vegetation. The style is influenced by Monet's impressionist techniques, emphasizing the play of light and shadow to evoke a sense of nostalgia and loss.

浮世絵美人画。クリムト風ドレスを着た赤毛美人。青い瞳。片足立ちで両手を広げて命のポーズ。高画質 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

Ukiyo-e beauty painting. A red-haired beauty wearing a Klimt-style dress. Blue eyes. Standing on one leg with both arms spread in a pose of life. High quality.


A highly detailed digital art depiction of the destroyed Kilwa Kingdom, set during a magical sunset with an orange and purple sky. The scene features the silhouettes of ruined buildings, overgrown with lush vegetation, creating a hauntingly beautiful and fantastical atmosphere. The composition is inspired by the whimsical and detailed landscapes of Studio Ghibli, with a focus on the intricate details of the ruins and the vibrant colors of the sunset. The perspective is from a low angle, emphasizing the grandeur and tragedy of the once-great kingdom. by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

A highly detailed digital art depiction of the destroyed Kilwa Kingdom, set during a magical sunset with an orange and purple sky. The scene features the silhouettes of ruined buildings, overgrown with lush vegetation, creating a hauntingly beautiful and fantastical atmosphere. The composition is inspired by the whimsical and detailed landscapes of Studio Ghibli, with a focus on the intricate details of the ruins and the vibrant colors of the sunset. The perspective is from a low angle, emphasizing the grandeur and tragedy of the once-great kingdom.

un hombre de pelo negro y camisa blanca mirando a la camara serio estilo anime en un restaurante sentado by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

A man with black hair and a white shirt looking seriously at the camera in an anime style, sitting in a restaurant.

un hombre de pelo negro y camisa blanca mirando a la camara serio estilo anime en un restaurante sentado

imagen muy realista de un hombre con cabellos largos blancos y sucios, sobrero, y ropa ajada, del año 1800 que camina por los pasillos de una casa by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

A very realistic image of a man with long, white, and dirty hair, wearing a hat and tattered clothing from the 1800s, walking through the hallways of a house.

imagen muy realista de un hombre con cabellos largos blancos y sucios, sobrero, y ropa ajada, del año 1800 que camina por los pasillos de una casa

A 20-year-old Korean woman sitting on a bench in the backyard of a luxury house, talking on the phone. She is wearing pajamas, and her slender legs are visible. Only her back is shown. The scene is set in the warm glow of the evening sunset, with soft shadows and harmonious colors. The composition highlights the bench and the backyard, emphasizing the woman's back and slender legs. The style is digital art, with a realistic yet soft touch, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere. by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

A 20-year-old Korean woman sitting on a bench in the backyard of a luxury house, talking on the phone. She is wearing pajamas, and her slender legs are visible. Only her back is shown. The scene is set in the warm glow of the evening sunset, with soft shadows and harmonious colors. The composition highlights the bench and the backyard, emphasizing the woman's back and slender legs. The style is digital art, with a realistic yet soft touch, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere.

imagen muy realista de un matrimonio joven, ambos asustados en la oscuridad, mientras un fantasma de un niño desgarbado aparece by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

very realistic image of a young married couple, both frightened in the darkness, while a ghostly, scrawny child appears.

imagen muy realista de un matrimonio joven, ambos asustados en la oscuridad, mientras un fantasma de un niño desgarbado aparece

Comme le frère et la sœur allaient se lever de table, on frappa à la porte.

—Entrez, dit l'évêque.

La porte s'ouvrit. Un groupe étrange et violent apparut sur le seuil. Trois hommes en tenaient un quatrième au collet. Les trois hommes étaient des gendarmes; l'autre était Jean Valjean.

Un brigadier de gendarmerie, qui semblait conduire le groupe, était près de la porte. Il entra et s'avança vers l'évêque en faisant le salut militaire.

—Monseigneur... dit-il.

À ce mot Jean Valjean, qui était morne et semblait abattu, releva la tête d'un air stupéfait.

—Monseigneur! murmura-t-il. Ce n'est donc pas le curé?...

—Silence! dit un gendarme. C'est monseigneur l'évêque.

Cependant monseigneur Bienvenu s'était approché aussi vivement que son grand âge le lui permettait.

—Ah! vous voilà! s'écria-t-il en regardant Jean Valjean. Je suis aise de vous voir. Et bien mais! je vous avais donné les chandeliers aussi, qui sont en argent comme le reste et dont vous pourrez bien avoir deux cents francs. Pourquoi ne les avez-vous pas emportés avec vos couverts?

Jean Valjean ouvrit les yeux et regarda le vénérable évêque avec une expression qu'aucune langue humaine ne pourrait rendre.


  by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

As the brother and sister were about to rise from the table, there was a knock at the door. "Come in," said the bishop. The door opened. A strange and violent group appeared on the threshold. Three men were holding a fourth by the collar. The three men were gendarmes; the other was Jean Valjean. A gendarmerie brigadier, who seemed to be leading the group, stood near the door. He entered and approached the bishop, giving a military salute. "Monseigneur..." he said. At this word, Jean Valjean, who was gloomy and seemed dejected, raised his head with a look of astonishment. "Monseigneur!" he murmured. "So this is not the priest?..." "Silence!" said a gendarme. "This is Monseigneur the bishop." Meanwhile, Monseigneur Bienvenu had approached as quickly as his advanced age allowed. "Ah! Here you are!" he exclaimed, looking at Jean Valjean. "I am pleased to see you. Well now! I had also given you the candlesticks, which are made of silver like the rest and could fetch you two hundred francs. Why didn't you take them with your cutlery?" Jean Valjean opened his eyes and looked at the venerable bishop with an expression that no human language could describe.

Comme le frère et la sœur allaient se lever de table, on frappa à la porte. —Entrez, dit l'évêque. La porte s'ouvrit. Un groupe étrange et violent apparut sur le seuil. Trois hommes en tenaient un quatrième au collet. Les trois hommes étaient des gendarmes; l'autre était Jean Valjean. Un brigadier de gendarmerie, qui semblait conduire le groupe, était près de la porte. Il entra et s'avança vers l'évêque en faisant le salut militaire. —Monseigneur... dit-il. À ce mot Jean Valjean, qui était morne et semblait abattu, releva la tête d'un air stupéfait. —Monseigneur! murmura-t-il. Ce n'est donc pas le curé?... —Silence! dit un gendarme. C'est monseigneur l'évêque. Cependant monseigneur Bienvenu s'était approché aussi vivement que son grand âge le lui permettait. —Ah! vous voilà! s'écria-t-il en regardant Jean Valjean. Je suis aise de vous voir. Et bien mais! je vous avais donné les chandeliers aussi, qui sont en argent comme le reste et dont vous pourrez bien avoir deux cents francs. Pourquoi ne les avez-vous pas emportés avec vos couverts? Jean Valjean ouvrit les yeux et regarda le vénérable évêque avec une expression qu'aucune langue humaine ne pourrait rendre.

un hombre de pelo negro y camisa blanca caminando por una plaza con arboles y bancas para sentarse estilo anime by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

A man with black hair and a white shirt walking through a square with trees and benches to sit on, in anime style.

un hombre de pelo negro y camisa blanca caminando por una plaza con arboles y bancas para sentarse estilo anime

网络文学成文旅“破圈”新载体 by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

Online Literature Becomes a New Medium for Cultural Tourism to "Break the Circle"


hutan by Generator Gambar AI Gratis - Tanpa perlu login✨ | AIGAZOU

The translation of "hutan" from Indonesian to English is "forest."
