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刷子擺出來會變成花形狀的收納瓶 by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

A brush holder that forms a flower shape when displayed.


和風でお風呂がついてるホテル by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

A hotel with a bath in the Japanese style.


怖いモンスター怪獣が海から現れる。獅子舞の獅子のような怪物。体はライオン、頭に鹿のような角がある。 by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

A scary monster emerges from the sea, resembling a lion dance lion. Its body is like a lion's, and it has deer-like horns on its head.


森の中の遠くに古くからの日本家屋が立っているのが見える。手入れなどはあまりされていないのか、瓦にはところどころヒビが入っており、あたりの草木もまるでこの家を取り囲むように生い茂っている。 by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

I can see an old Japanese house far in the forest. It doesn't seem to be well-maintained; the tiles are cracked in places, and the surrounding vegetation has grown so thick that it seems to envelop the house.


白髪の老男が村にやって来る。ぼろぼろの服を着て、杖を持ち、穏やかな表情で歩いている by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

An old man with white hair comes to the village. He is wearing tattered clothes, carrying a cane, and walking with a gentle expression.


森の中のかなり遠くのほうに古くからの日本家屋が立っているのが見える。手入れなどはあまりされていないのか、瓦にはところどころヒビが入っており、あたりの草木もまるでこの家を取り囲むように生い茂っている。 by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

A Japanese house of ancient origin can be seen standing quite far into the forest. It seems that little maintenance has been done, as the roof tiles are cracked in places, and the surrounding vegetation has grown so thickly that it seems to envelop the house.


奄美大島の夜明けの市街地、長い黒髪、目はオッドアイ、左目は黒、右目は青色、体はスレンダー、表情が笑顔、冬のセーラー服、年齢は14歳、少女、中学生、全身、体の向きは正面、両手を差し伸べる、アニメ by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

The cityscape at dawn on Amami Ōshima, long black hair, heterochromatic eyes (left eye black, right eye blue), slender body, smiling expression, winter sailor uniform, age 14, a girl, middle school student, full body, facing forward, arms outstretched, anime style.


軍服のかわいい女性。眼球は黒、髪の色は黒。銃を持っている。サルのワッペンがついてる by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

A cute woman in military uniform. Her eyes are black, and her hair is black. She is holding a gun. There is a monkey patch on it.


怖いモンスター怪獣が海から現れる。獅子舞の獅子のような怪物。体はライオン、頭に鹿のような角がある。 by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

A scary monster creature emerges from the sea. A monster like a lion dance lion. Its body is like a lion, and it has horns like a deer on its head.


生成一张透视图,整张图片以斜侧方角度展现,图上是一个宽阔的大广场,广场边上是一个教堂建筑,广场边种着树,整张图片都是素描钢笔画 by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

Generate a perspective drawing, showing the entire image from a diagonal angle. The drawing depicts a spacious large square, with a church building on one side of the square. Trees are planted along the edge of the square, and the entire image is rendered in pen and ink sketch style.


遠くから、中国人の白髪の老男が村にやって来る。ぼろぼろの服を着て、杖を持ち、優しい穏やかな表情で歩いている、遠くから来る by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

From afar, an elderly Chinese man with white hair is approaching the village. Dressed in tattered clothes, holding a cane, he walks with a gentle and serene expression, coming from a distance.


遠くから、中国人の白髪の老男が村にやって来る。ぼろぼろの服を着て、杖を持ち、優しい穏やかな表情で歩いている、遠くから来る by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

From afar, an elderly Chinese man with white hair is coming to the village. Dressed in tattered clothes, holding a cane, and walking with a gentle and calm expression, he has come from far away.


Generiere ein Modernes Zimmer by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

Generate a Modern Room

Generiere ein Modernes Zimmer

oldtimer waschbär by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

oldtimer waschbär

北欧の街並みとクリスマスツリーとサンタクロースと雪 by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

The streets of Northern Europe, Christmas trees, Santa Claus, and snow.


没有背景,卡通风格。a little gire with ice cream。 and she is black hair.with pink dress and pink shoes by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

No background, cartoon style. A little girl with ice cream. She has black hair, a pink dress, and pink shoes.

没有背景,卡通风格。a little gire with ice cream。 and she is black hair.with pink dress and pink shoes

おばあさんが、その中国人の白髭の老男と話す。二人とも後ろ姿。 by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

The grandmother is talking to the elderly Chinese man with a white beard. Both are seen from behind.


Waschbär sitzt vor einem Auto und repariert es in einer Werkstatt mit Schraubenschlüssel by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

Raccoon is sitting in front of a car and repairing it in a workshop with a wrench.

Waschbär sitzt vor einem Auto und repariert es in einer Werkstatt mit Schraubenschlüssel

没有背景,卡通风格。15岁生日蛋糕 by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

No background, cartoon style. 15th birthday cake.


Waschbär liegt unter einem Auto und repariert es in einer Werkstatt mit Schraubenschlüssel by Generatore di immagini AI gratuito - Nessuna registrazione richiesta✨ | AIGAZOU

Raccoon is lying under a car and repairing it in a workshop with a wrench.

Waschbär liegt unter einem Auto und repariert es in einer Werkstatt mit Schraubenschlüssel