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Three snakes represent the letters n, e, and s. With a comical touch.
へび 3匹 で アルファベットの n e s を表す。 コミカルタッチで
Create a cover for a story titled "Remnants of Fate," featuring the main character named Elian Silvercrest. The story revolves around the protagonist who has a sickly and frail body but possesses future memories, with black hair and red eyes.
Buatkan cover untuk cerita berjudul Sisa Takdir, dengan tokoh utama bernama Elian Silvercrest dengan cerita tentang tokoh utama yang memiliki tubuh sakit sakitan dan lemah tapi memiliki ingatan masa depan, dengan rambut hitam dan mata merah
Three snakes represent the letters n, e, and s. With a comical touch.
へび 3匹 で アルファベットの n e s を表す。 コミカルタッチで
Create a book cover with the title SIsa Takdir, featuring an image of a young man around 18-21 years old with long black hair, red eyes, pale white skin, tall, and thin, with a sad but firm gaze, named Elian Silvercrest.
Buatkan cover buku dengan judul SIsa Takdir, dengan gambar seorang anak laki laki sekitar 18-21 tahun dengan rambut hitam panjang, mata merah, kulit putih pucat, tinggi, dan tubuh kurus, dengan tatapan sedih tapi tegas, dengan nama Elian Silvercrest
She has black hair, black eyes, a small nose that gets wider towards the bottom, and a mouth that is a mix of gray and red. She has a mole next to her nose and is wearing a white t-shirt with a mint-colored pants that have cloud and star patterns. She is a Korean woman.
검은색 머리카락 이고 눈동자는 검은색 이고 코는 작으면서 아래로 갈수록 커지고 입은 회색이랑 빨강색이 섞인 색이고 코옆에 점이 있고 흰색 티셔츠에 구름과 별 무늬가 있는 민트색 바지를 입은 한국 여자
It has black fur, but only the fur on its neck, under its chin, and on its toes is white, creating a pointy pattern. It's about 7 months old, lean, about 40 centimeters tall, with a long snout, sharp ears, and a curled-up tail. It's a Pomeranian, but please draw our mixed-breed puppy.
까만털에 목 밑에 발끝에만 하얀색 털이 포인트로 자라있어. 나이는 7개월정도 되었고 야간 마른편이야 크기는 40센티미터 정도되고 주둥이가 길고 귀는 뽀죡하고 꼬리는 위로 말려올라갔어. 포메라니안인데 잡종같은 우리 강아지를 그려줘
A 9-year-old girl with short curly black hair, dyed yellow only at the ends, small double eyelids, and thick lips. She is a cute Korean girl with dark eyes, about 128cm tall and weighs around 26kg. She is wearing a pink, thick, one-piece pajama dress.
9살의 단발 곱슬 검은머리, 머리 끝에만 노랑색 염색이 되어있어 까만 눈동자에 작은 속쌍꺼풀이 있고 입은 도톰하고 작고 귀여운 여자아이야 한국인이고 키는 128cm 정도 몸무게는 26kg 정도이고 분홍색 도톰한 원피스 잠옷을 입고 있는 여자아이를 그려줘