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Christmas lies on the ground, a cat holds the goose firmly.
Weihnachts liegt am Boden eine Katze hält den Gänsebraten fest
"TIBETAN mind" - Generate this English text into a title design for a board game. The design should have a strong aesthetic, be cute, and not too elegant, incorporating elements of Gomoku (Five in a Row), without any elements of chess. The game logo should have a Tibetan style.
”TIBETAN mind“ 将这个英语文字, 生成为棋类游戏的标题设计, 要很强的设计感,可爱,又不是风雅,五子棋的元素,不要有任何国际象棋元素,游戏LOGO,藏式风格
The reindeer of Santa Claus smoke together, the turkey hops for joy.
Das Rentier der Weihnachtsmann kiffen zusammen der Truthahn hüpft vor Freude
Minecraft RPG modpack with many mods and a king, and in the background mod stuff in the Minecraft style RPG MODPACK
minecraft rpg modpack mit fielen mods und einem könig und im hintergrund mod stuff im minecraft stiel RPG MODPACK
In the competition, a close-up of a contestant holding an iQOO phone by the back.
A scene of pouring milk over a dark brown beverage in a clear glass cup without a pattern and with a handle, showing the effect of naturally mixing, with a bright and minimal background, and medicinal ingredients scattered around.
무늬가없고 손잡이가 달린투명한 유리컵에 담긴 짙은갈색음료 위에 우유를 붓는 장면, 자연스럽게 섞이는 효과가 보이는 장면, 배경은 밝고 미니멀하며, 한약재료가 주변에 흩어져 있는 모습,