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I am creating a recyclable printer that can erase text with heat. I am making it portable and sized to accommodate A4 paper.
リサイクルプリンターを作成しています、熱で文字を消すことが出来ます。持ち運び便利のプリンターを作って A4サイズ適応するようなサイズにして
My image on social media: "Finding the real me!" How similar is the image we present on social media to the real me? Let's take some time to compare the polished me on social media with the real me and find the true version of myself Enjoy the fun of creation and presentation by expressing it through drama with friends! ★ The image of me looking at my phone, smiling, and ready to take a selfie
SNS 속 나의 모습 : “진짜 나를 찾아서!” 우리가 SNS에서 보여주는 모습과 실제의 나는 얼마나 비슷할까요? 멋지게 꾸민 SNS 속 나와 진짜 나를 비교하며, 진정한 나의 모습을 찾아보는 시간을 가져요 친구들과 함께 연극으로 표현하며 창작과 발표의 즐거움을 느껴보세요! ★ 핸드폰을 보고 셀카를 찍으려 웃고 있는 내 모습
I am creating a recycling printer that can erase text using heat. I plan to make it the size suitable for A4 paper and keep it simple.
リサイクルプリンターを作成しています、熱で文字を消すことが出来ます。 A4サイズ適応するようなサイズにして シンプルにして