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背景薄い黄色で花びらが舞っているなかで、黒髪ロングで前髪ある可愛いのウインクしている10代の薄いピンクのワンピース着た女の子が、可愛い笑顔で照れてほっぺがピンクになってる赤いシャツ着た淡い色のプーさんのぬいぐるみ1つを両手で抱いている。右下にMisaki💛と黄色く光って筆記体で大きく書いてある。 by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU

In a setting with a pale yellow background where petals are fluttering, a cute girl in her late teens with long black hair and bangs is winking. She is wearing a light pink dress and has a shy, adorable smile, with her cheeks turning pink. She is hugging a single light-colored Pooh bear plushie wearing a red shirt with both hands. In the bottom right corner, "Misaki💛" is written in large, yellow, cursive letters.


背景薄い黄色で花びらが舞っているなかで、黒髪ロングで前髪ある可愛いのウインクしている10代の白のワンピース着た女の子が、可愛い笑顔で照れてほっぺがピンクになってる赤いシャツ着た淡い色のプーさんのぬいぐるみ1つを両手で抱いている。右下にMisaki💛と黄色く光って筆記体で大きく書いてある。 by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU

In a background with a light yellow hue and petals dancing, a girl in her late teens wearing a white dress, with long black hair and bangs, is winking adorably. She is holding a light-colored Pooh bear plushie wearing a red shirt, blushing with a cute smile, her cheeks turning pink. In the lower right corner, "Misaki💛" is written in yellow, glowing, cursive letters.


eine schneelandschaft, ein grosser Stern, viele kleine weihnachtliche Stimmung, prächtig by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU

a snowy landscape, a large star, many small Christmas vibes, splendid

eine schneelandschaft, ein grosser Stern, viele kleine weihnachtliche Stimmung, prächtig

eine schneelandschaft, ein grosser Stern, viele kleine weihnachtliche Stimmung, prächtig, goldene Stimmung by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU

a snowy landscape, a large star, many small Christmas vibes, splendid, golden vibes

eine schneelandschaft, ein grosser Stern, viele kleine weihnachtliche Stimmung, prächtig, goldene Stimmung

immortel  by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU



menschen mit behinderung die digital arbeiten by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU

people with disabilities working digitally

menschen mit behinderung die digital arbeiten

immortel couleur by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU

immortal color

immortel couleur

immortel  by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU



rennende winkekatze, plastik, winkend by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU

waving cat, plastic, waving

rennende winkekatze, plastik, winkend

eine schneelandschaft, ein grösserer Stern, viele kleine weihnachtliche Stimmung, prächtig, goldene Stimmung by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU

a snowy landscape, a larger star, many small Christmas vibes, splendid, golden vibes

eine schneelandschaft, ein grösserer Stern, viele kleine weihnachtliche Stimmung, prächtig, goldene Stimmung

Im Passauer Adalbert-Stifter-Str. feiern ganz viele Menschen den 10. Geburtstag der Solidarischen Landwirtschaft - Vereinte Wurzelwerke e. V. by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU

In Passau's Adalbert-Stifter-Str., many people are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Solidarity Agriculture - United Root Works e. V.

Im Passauer Adalbert-Stifter-Str. feiern ganz viele Menschen den 10. Geburtstag der Solidarischen Landwirtschaft - Vereinte Wurzelwerke e. V.


 by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU

Wireless Communication System Application of Blockchain Technology to IoT ・Implementation of Blockchain in IoT Devices ・Performance Analysis and Improvement of Virtual Currency (Ethereum)

無線通信システム ブロックチェーン技術のIoTへの応用 ・IoTデバイスへのブロックチェーンの実装 ・仮想通貨(Ethereum)の性能解析、向上

進入廁所後,一名女性要上廁所。看到清潔機器人正在將廁所地板消毒清理,地板很乾淨整潔。 by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU

After entering the restroom, a woman wanted to use the toilet. She saw a cleaning robot disinfecting and cleaning the bathroom floor, which was very clean and tidy.


かわいい、ゴリラ、100匹、クリスマス、サンタ帽子、サンタ服 by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU

Cute, gorillas, 100 of them, Christmas, Santa hats, Santa suits.


 weihnachtskugel aus knochen mit hut und geweih aus bronze, grabsteine und licht mondenschein düster dunkel mystic weihnachtsbaum e- gitarre metal by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU

Christmas ball made of bone with hat and antlers made of bronze, tombstones and light moonlight dark mystical Christmas tree e- guitar metal

weihnachtskugel aus knochen mit hut und geweih aus bronze, grabsteine und licht mondenschein düster dunkel mystic weihnachtsbaum e- gitarre metal

カーラジオ by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU

Car radio


ラジカセ by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU

Radio cassette player


背景薄い黄色で花びらが舞っているなかで、白い服で黒髪ロングで前髪あって右に八重歯のある可愛い系10代女の子が可愛い笑顔で照れてるになっている赤いシャツ着たプーさんのぬいぐるみ1つを両手で抱いている。右下にMisaki💛と黄色く光って筆記体で大きく書いてある。 by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU

In a background with a light yellow hue and petals fluttering, a cute teenage girl with white clothes, long black hair, bangs, and a double tooth on the right is blushing with a cute smile. She is hugging a single Pooh stuffed animal wearing a red shirt with both hands. In the lower right corner, "Misaki💛" is written in large, yellow, cursive letters.


奖杯与奖牌放在桌子上 by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU

Trophies and medals are placed on the table.


スマートフォンとイヤホン by Gerador de imagens com IA gratuito - Sem login necessário✨ | AIGAZOU

Smartphone and earphones.
