

希望 梦幻 孤独 by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

Hope, fantasy, loneliness.

希望 梦幻 孤独

いろんなトロフィー 密集して並ぶ豪華な棚 正面 by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

A luxurious shelf densely lined with various trophies.

いろんなトロフィー 密集して並ぶ豪華な棚 正面

 梦幻 孤独 清冷 by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

Dreamlike, lonely, and cold.

梦幻 孤独 清冷

希望 梦幻 孤独 清淡 by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

Hope, fantasy, loneliness, light.

希望 梦幻 孤独 清淡

スーパーでスマホを見ながら食材を選んでいる画像 by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

A picture of someone choosing ingredients while looking at their smartphone in a supermarket.


 梦幻 孤独 清冷 残阳 by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

Dreamlike, lonely, cold, and the setting sun.

梦幻 孤独 清冷 残阳

スーパーでスマホを見ながら食材を選んでいる画像 by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

A picture of someone choosing ingredients at the supermarket while looking at their smartphone.


カムパネルラ少年は算数だって、むづかしい歩合算でも、ちょっと頭を曲げればすぐできる。  絵なんかあんなにうまい。  by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

Campanella the boy could do even difficult ratio problems in arithmetic if he just bent his head a little. He was so good at drawing too.

カムパネルラ少年は算数だって、むづかしい歩合算でも、ちょっと頭を曲げればすぐできる。 絵なんかあんなにうまい。

スーパーでスマホを見ながら食材を選んでいる画像 by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

A picture of someone choosing ingredients while looking at their smartphone in a supermarket.


Zwei sich lieben Menschen liegen zusammen im bett und genießen die Zweisamkeit die frau hat Orange harren der mann dunkel rote haare by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

Two loving people lie together in bed, enjoying their togetherness. The woman has orange hair, while the man has dark red hair.

Zwei sich lieben Menschen liegen zusammen im bett und genießen die Zweisamkeit die frau hat Orange harren der mann dunkel rote haare

 梦幻  清冷 缥缈 by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

Dreamlike, clear and cold, ethereal

梦幻 清冷 缥缈

 梦幻  清冷 缥缈 群山 by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

Dreamlike, clear and cold, ethereal, mountains

梦幻 清冷 缥缈 群山

Draw a room with window. A deep, dark night at 3 AM with a serene urban atmosphere. The room is softly lit by faint moonlight streaming through the window, revealing the quiet city skyline in the background. The desk has a few books, an LP record player, a steaming cup of coffee, and a pair of headphones. The overall tone is deep blue and black, emphasizing the stillness and depth of the night. The scene is minimalist, focusing on the peacefulness of the late-night ambiance. by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

Draw a room with a window. A deep, dark night at 3 AM with a serene urban atmosphere. The room is softly lit by faint moonlight streaming through the window, revealing the quiet city skyline in the background. The desk has a few books, an LP record player, a steaming cup of coffee, and a pair of headphones. The overall tone is deep blue and black, emphasizing the stillness and depth of the night. The scene is minimalist, focusing on the peacefulness of the late-night ambiance.

Draw a room with window. A deep, dark night at 3 AM with a serene urban atmosphere. The room is softly lit by faint moonlight streaming through the window, revealing the quiet city skyline in the background. The desk has a few books, an LP record player, a steaming cup of coffee, and a pair of headphones. The overall tone is deep blue and black, emphasizing the stillness and depth of the night. The scene is minimalist, focusing on the peacefulness of the late-night ambiance.

东亚美女照,V脸,盘发,无头饰,白背景 正面及两侧45度角 by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

East Asian beauty photo, V-shaped face, hair in a bun, no headpiece, white background, front and 45-degree angles on both sides.

东亚美女照,V脸,盘发,无头饰,白背景 正面及两侧45度角

カムパネルラ少年は絵なんかあんなにうまい。  水車を写生したのなどは、おとなだってあれくらいにできやしない。  by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

Campanella the boy is incredibly talented at drawing. Even adults couldn't do as well as he did when sketching a waterwheel.

カムパネルラ少年は絵なんかあんなにうまい。 水車を写生したのなどは、おとなだってあれくらいにできやしない。

Einladung Adventsfeier Thema ist licht von Dunkel zu Hell für schüler schülerinnen klasse 5-7 irgendwie soll es jugendlich wirken und in der Mitte muss es die Möglichkeit geben, Text einzugeben nur seitlich Farben nehmen von oben nach unten von Dunkelheit zu Licht, in der Mitte platz lassen für den Einladungstext by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

Invitation to Advent Party Theme is "From Darkness to Light" for students in grades 5-7. It should somehow feel youthful, and in the center, there must be the possibility to enter text. Only on the sides, take colors from top to bottom, from darkness to light, leaving space in the middle for the invitation text.

Einladung Adventsfeier Thema ist licht von Dunkel zu Hell für schüler schülerinnen klasse 5-7 irgendwie soll es jugendlich wirken und in der Mitte muss es die Möglichkeit geben, Text einzugeben nur seitlich Farben nehmen von oben nach unten von Dunkelheit zu Licht, in der Mitte platz lassen für den Einladungstext

食材を選んでいる人のスマホ画面 by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

A person selecting ingredients on their smartphone screen.


ぼくがカムパネルラ少年と友だちだっ たらどんなにいいだろう by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

If I were friends with the boy Campanella, how wonderful that would be.

ぼくがカムパネルラ少年と友だちだっ たらどんなにいいだろう

バターをそのまま食べる女が椅子に座っている。 by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

A woman eating butter directly is sitting on a chair.


Một giọt nước cũng chứa đầy ơn huệ của đất trời, con xin nguyện tri ân. by 免費AI圖像生成工具 AI製圖 | AIGAZOU

A drop of water also contains the grace of heaven and earth, I humbly express my gratitude.

Một giọt nước cũng chứa đầy ơn huệ của đất trời, con xin nguyện tri ân.