Logo of the autonomous association, simple illustration, multiple people holding hands, simple, pop.
自治会のロゴ シンプルイラスト 多人数が手をつなぐ 単純 ポップ
Autonomous Association Logo - Simple Illustration - Multiple People Holding Hands - Simple
自治会のロゴ シンプルイラスト 多人数が手をつなぐ 単純
The boy Giovanni, while hurriedly thinking about such things, was about to turn the corner of the street from which he had just come, when he saw, in front of the grocery store opposite, a black shadow and a vague white shirt mingled together, and six or seven students, whistling and laughing, each carrying a lantern of a crow's egg, coming towards him. The laughter and the whistling were all familiar to him. They were the children of his own grade.
ジョバンニ少年はジョバンニは、せわしくこんなことを考へながら、さっき来た町かどを、まがろうとしましたら、向うの雑貨店の前で、黒い影やぼんやり白いシャツが入り乱れて、六七人の生徒らが、口笛を吹いたり笑っ たりして、めいめいカラスウリの灯火を持ってやって来るのを見ました。 その笑いも口笛も、みんな聞きおぼえのあるものでした。ジョバンニ少年の同級の子供らだったのです。
Cows, sheep, celery, spinach, and apples are performing circus acts at the circus.
When Giovannino the boy returned from the cow shed, he thought (If only I had a silver coin today, I would buy condensed milk at the shop and go home. Oh, how much I want money. The blue grass fruit is already ripe. How nice it would be to be like Campanella. Even today, he had two silver coins.)
ジョバンニ少年は牛舎から帰るとき( 今日、銀貨が一枚さえあったら、お店でコンデンスミルクを買って帰るんだけれど。 ああ、ぼくはどんなにお金がほしいだろう。 青い草果だってもうできているんだ。カムパネルラなんか、ほんとうにいいなあ。 今日だって、銀貨を二枚も、持っていた。)と思いました。
The public river network, creating a strong link between regions, departments, and cantons but excluding many small villages, would be one of the largest in Europe by size. With its 8,500 km of navigable waterways, it extends from Dunkirk to Marseille. Regardless of economic perspectives, most economists agree that this mode of transport will develop sustainably. The barges that industrialists have decided to exploit are indeed very much in demand by the Ministry of Ecology and are part of the means of transport of the future (and the interest is well there) such as the airship or the cable car. The sector, which has been appreciated for many years, will generate nearly 10,000 jobs by 2025, which corresponds to almost 100% growth. However, a question remains: will there be harmonization of European river transport? Finally, tourism is also very important and widespread, with, for example, the three hundred sightseeing boats that the capital counts, most often used by foreign tourists and Parisians. Add a woman undressed on the roof of the first barge.
Le réseau public fluviale, créant une liaison forte entre les régions,les départements et les cantons mais excluant de nombreux petit villages, serais un des plus importants d'Europe par sa taille. Avec ses 8500 km de voies d'eaux navigables, celui ci s'étend de Dunkerke à Marseille. Quelque soient les perspectives économiques, la plupart des économistes saccorde à dire que se transport ce développera durablement. Les péniches que les industriels ont décidées d'exploiter, sont en effet très sollicité par le ministère de l'écologie et font parties des moyens de transport du futur (et l'intérêt est bien la) telle que le dirigeable ou le telephérique. La filière, qui a pu être apprécié pendant de nombreuses années, généreras près de 10 000 emplois d'ici 2025, ce qui correspond à presque 100 % d'augmentation. Cependant une question reste a se poser : y auras t'il une harmnoisation du transport fluvial européen ? Enfin, le tourisme est mêmes importants et fort répandus avec, par exemple, les trois-cent bateaux-mouches que comptes la capitale, emprunté le plus souvent par les touristes étrangers et les parisiens. rajouter une femme dévetu sur le toi de la premiere peniche
An image of a "first-person shooter game" where the player matches five blocks slowly descending from the sky in a blue prairie. In the image, the protagonist holds a small water gun in one hand.
푸른초원에서 하늘에서 천천히 내려오고 있는 5개의 블럭들을 맞추는 "1인칭 시점의 슈팅게임" 이미지. 이미지 내에서 주인공의 한손에는 작은 물총을 들고있다.
The boy Giovannino said, "I wonder if my mother is sick." "No, there isn't," the peasant woman replied, as if she were about to leave. "I see. Then thank you," Giovannino bowed and left the kitchen, but for some reason, tears welled up in his eyes.
ジョバンニ少年は言いました。「おかあさんが病気なんですがないんでしょうか。」 「ありませんよ。お気の毒ですけれど。」農婦はもう行ってしまいそうでした。 「そうですか。ではありがとう。」ジョバンニは、お辞儀をして台所から出ましたけれども、なぜか泊がいっぱいに湧きました。
A first-person perspective shooting game image where you match five blocks slowly descending from the sky in a blue prairie. In the image, the protagonist holds a water gun that looks like a pistol in one hand.
푸른초원에서 하늘에서 천천히 내려오고 있는 5개의 블럭들을 맞추는 1인칭 시점의 슈팅게임 이미지. 이미지 내에서 주인공은 한손에는 권총처럼 생긴 물총을 들고있다.
"We don't have any milk left today. Please come back tomorrow." The farmer's wife said, looking at the boy Giovannino intently, while rubbing the area under her red eyes with the edge of her clothes.
「牛乳は、今日はもうありませんよ。あしたにして下さい。」 農婦は洋服のふちで赤い眼の下のとこを擦りながら、しげしげジョバンニ少年を見て言いました。
Center the SPARK text and use a background where the constellations form lilies.
SPARKの文字を中心に配置 星座が百合になる背景
German firefighter checks the driver's license of a colleague and a comrade using the arfidex app for electronic driver's license control.
Deutscher Feuerwehrmann kontrolliert mit der arfidex app Elektronische Führerscheinkontrolle den Führerschein einer Kameradin und eines Kameraden