a large streetlamp shines brightly under the slope
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A large streetlamp stood splendidly glowing pale blue beneath the slope. As the poor boy Giovannino descended toward the electric light, the shadow of Giovannino, which had been trailing behind him like a ghost, growing longer and more vague, gradually became darker, clearer, and began to move around him, lifting its feet and waving its hands.
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坂の下に大きなひとっの街灯が、青白く立派に光って立っていました。 貧しい子供のジョバンニが、どんどん電灯の方へ下りて行きますと、いままでばけもののように、長くぼんやりうしろへ引いていたジョバンニの影ぼうしは、だんだん濃く黒くはっきりになって、足をあげたり手を振ったり、ジョバンニの横の方へまわって来るのでした