
Favori görüntülerinizi keşfedin ve paylaşın

roboter zum ausmalen für kinder, schwarz weiss, laufend, moderner, prezise gezechnet, mit einem mensch by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

sftsrv style illustration: robot for coloring for children, black and white, running, modern, precisely drawn, with a human

roboter zum ausmalen für kinder, schwarz weiss, laufend, moderner, prezise gezechnet, mit einem mensch

servicios financieros by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

financial services

servicios financieros

전체적인 느낌은 네온사인 간판, 가운데 "커리" 글자가 하나만 있고, 간판이 그림 중앙에 있게 그려주고, 간판 외곽은 검은색으로만 그려줘 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

The overall feel is a neon signboard, with only the word "Curry" in the center, and the signboard should be drawn in the middle of the picture, with the outline of the signboard drawn in black only.

전체적인 느낌은 네온사인 간판, 가운데 "커리" 글자가 하나만 있고, 간판이 그림 중앙에 있게 그려주고, 간판 외곽은 검은색으로만 그려줘

バーカウンターで酒を飲む男性のアバター。マトリックスの主人公ネオっぽく。スキンヘッド。マシンガンも傍に置く。背景色は白。アイコン風。 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A male avatar drinking at a bar counter. Resembling the protagonist Neo from The Matrix. Shaved head. A machine gun is also placed beside him. The background color is white. Icon style.


Living room Dancing women dress high Heels  by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Living room Dancing women dress high Heels

Living room Dancing women dress high Heels

탄소 전쟁 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Carbon War

탄소 전쟁

ビロード:ダークレッド色の、ドローン、に乗って、空中、移動中の、1青い猫、まっすぐな視線、ドローンの上に背筋を伸ばして、座っている。自信が、表れてる。 夜明け前の、San Francisco、California が、眼下に広がる。sun rising in the morning、  intense shadows  (Birds’ Eye View)                      上昇気流で、上に向く(ドローン+プロペラ1.5)、16K、4DGD
                                                            (視点=28mmレンズ、カメラ)長時間露光写真撮影、(Worm’s Eye View)
                                                ドローン by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Velvet: A dark red drone, carrying a blue cat in the air, moving. The cat sits straight on the drone, with a confident gaze. Below, the pre-dawn view of San Francisco, California, spreads out. The sun rises in the morning, casting intense shadows. (Bird's Eye View) The drone ascends with an updraft (drone + propeller 1.5), 16K, 4DGD. (Perspective = 28mm lens, camera) Long exposure photography, (Worm's Eye View)

ビロード:ダークレッド色の、ドローン、に乗って、空中、移動中の、1青い猫、まっすぐな視線、ドローンの上に背筋を伸ばして、座っている。自信が、表れてる。 夜明け前の、San Francisco、California が、眼下に広がる。sun rising in the morning、  intense shadows  (Birds’ Eye View)                      上昇気流で、上に向く(ドローン+プロペラ1.5)、16K、4DGD                                                                          (視点=28mmレンズ、カメラ)長時間露光写真撮影、(Worm’s Eye View)                                                 ドローン

서로를 바라보며 입을 맞추려는 두 사람 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Two people trying to kiss while looking at each other.

서로를 바라보며 입을 맞추려는 두 사람

アイシャドウはパステルラベンダーを薄く塗ってふたえにはコーラルブラウンを塗る。リップは薄いくすみローズ色を塗る。リップはグロスも塗る。正面から見た日本の女の子の顔 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Apply a light layer of pastel lavender eyeshadow, and for the crease, use coral brown. For the lips, apply a light muted rose color. Also, apply gloss to the lips. This is the face of a Japanese girl as seen from the front.


黒いテカテカのピチピチの服unclothed 少女 アニメ風                                                                 18歳、笑顔で、ピースポーズ、背景:黒   、 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Black shiny tight outfit unclothed anime-style girl. 18 years old, smiling, peace sign pose, background: black.

黒いテカテカのピチピチの服unclothed 少女 アニメ風 18歳、笑顔で、ピースポーズ、背景:黒   、

フォトな実況者風の顔なしのプロみたいなゲーム感を出したアイコンを作って顔出てこない by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Create an icon that gives off a professional, no-face, live-streamer vibe, like a photo-realistic one, and make sure the face doesn't show up.


junge giraffe ohne hut und schöne weibliche leicht untersetzte zwergin mit blonden haaren unter rotem hut tanzen fröhlich in sonnenblumenfeld by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

young giraffe without hat and beautiful female slightly stocky dwarf with blonde hair under red hat dance happily in sunflower field

junge giraffe ohne hut und schöne weibliche leicht untersetzte zwergin mit blonden haaren unter rotem hut tanzen fröhlich in sonnenblumenfeld

Eine Katze als Lehrer mit Brille und einem dicken antiken Buch vor sich by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A cat as a teacher with glasses and a thick ancient book in front of it

Eine Katze als Lehrer mit Brille und einem dicken antiken Buch vor sich

create a coat of arms for dwarves of the fantasy genre.
The coat of arms is a heraldic metal shield with a dark red background showing two identical crossed hammers. These tiny dwarven hammers are placed in the upper part of the shield above a big golden dwarven anvil that is in the lower part. The hammers and the anvil do not touch. by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Create a coat of arms for dwarves of the fantasy genre. The coat of arms is a heraldic metal shield with a dark red background displaying two identical crossed hammers. These tiny dwarven hammers are positioned in the upper part of the shield above a large golden dwarven anvil that is situated in the lower part. The hammers and the anvil do not touch.

create a coat of arms for dwarves of the fantasy genre. The coat of arms is a heraldic metal shield with a dark red background showing two identical crossed hammers. These tiny dwarven hammers are placed in the upper part of the shield above a big golden dwarven anvil that is in the lower part. The hammers and the anvil do not touch.

在海邊玩水的哈士奇 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Husky playing in the water by the beach


on voit de dos une jeune chamane blonde habillée tout en blanc qui lève les bras et appelle la foudre by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A young blonde shaman dressed entirely in white is seen from behind, raising her arms and calling down lightning.

on voit de dos une jeune chamane blonde habillée tout en blanc qui lève les bras et appelle la foudre

Ratte mit dunkler Brille und Hut spielt Kontrabass (3D) by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Rat with dark sunglasses and hat playing the double bass (3D)

Ratte mit dunkler Brille und Hut spielt Kontrabass (3D)

 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

The Fairy of Fluorite and the Aquarium in the Forest


un enfant dont on voit bien le visage, environ 7 ans il porte un tablier taché de peinture qui peint un tableau représentant une petite fourmie presque invisible et minuscule. On voit très bien le tableau représentant une fourmie minuscule peinte de façon naïve. L'enfant est de  profil. le fond est nu et très blanc et clair. l'enfant tient une loupe dans une main et un pinceau dans l 'autre. by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A child whose face is clearly visible, about 7 years old, wearing a paint-stained apron, paints a picture of a nearly invisible and tiny ant. The painting of the tiny ant, done in a naive style, is very clear. The child is in profile. The background is bare and very white and bright. The child holds a magnifying glass in one hand and a brush in the other.

un enfant dont on voit bien le visage, environ 7 ans il porte un tablier taché de peinture qui peint un tableau représentant une petite fourmie presque invisible et minuscule. On voit très bien le tableau représentant une fourmie minuscule peinte de façon naïve. L'enfant est de profil. le fond est nu et très blanc et clair. l'enfant tient une loupe dans une main et un pinceau dans l 'autre.

1. Sicherheitsrisiken im eMailverkehr by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

1. Security risks in email communication

1. Sicherheitsrisiken im eMailverkehr