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Pokémon-style baby serow with three horns growing on its head, a fluffy and cute character.
ポケモン風 赤ちゃんカモシカでツノが3本生えている モフモフ系ゆるキャラ
Pokémon-style, Chiikawa-style baby serow with three horns growing on its head, fluffy and cute character.
ポケモン風、ちいかわ風 赤ちゃんカモシカでツノが3本生えている モフモフ系ゆるキャラ
14-year-old girl with brown hair smiling winter reminds of Emma Watson
14-jähriges mädchen braune haare lächelnd winter erinnert an emma watson
14-year-old girl smiling brown hair winter reminiscent of Emma Watson
14-jähriges mädchen lächelnd braune haare winter erinnert an emma watson
Super-realistic wooden carved Buddha statue, inside the hall, dimly lit, candlelight, stern face, viewed from the front, Vajra guardian, two candles, scary, gentle, glossy, Dharma talk, miracle, mysterious power, sutra, Todai-ji Temple, Dainichi Nyorai, Koumokuten, Myouou.
超リアル 木彫り仏像 お堂の中 薄暗い ロウソクの灯り 凛々しい顔 正面から見る 金剛力士 ロウソク2本 怖い 優し 艶 法話 奇跡 不思議力 お経 東大寺 大日如来 広目天 明王
14-year-old girl smiling brown hair winter reminiscent of Emma Watson
14-jähriges mädchen lächelnd braune haare winter erinnert an emma watson
14-year-old girl smiling brown curls winter reminiscent of Emma Watson
14-jähriges mädchen lächelnd braune locken winter erinnert an emma watson
Currently, the German Foreign Minister (Annalene Baerbock) as a pirate.
Momentan deutsche Außenministerin (Annalene Baerbock) als Piratin
Fantasy Background: Partially Collapsed City, Reconstruction, Nature, Village
ファンタジー 背景 一部倒壊 街 復興 自然 村
one eye. The iris is brownish-yellow with a blue spot and a golden spot. The pupil is round and black, inside which a black curled-up wolf can be seen.
un occhio. L'iride è bruno giallastra con una macchia azzurra e una macchia dorata. La pupilla è rotonda e nera, dentro si vede una lupa nera appallottolata.
Pokémon-style baby serow with three horns growing on its head, a cute character.
ポケモン風 赤ちゃんカモシカでツノが3本生えている ゆるキャラ
an eye. The iris is yellowish brown with a blue spot and a golden spot. The pupil is round and black, inside you can see a balled up black she-wolf.
Generate an old image (around 1900) of a woman writing Christmas mail in a house, with a Christmas tree and several small children in the background, and presents in the background.
Generiere ein altes Bild (um 1900) mit einer Frau, die Weihnachtspost schreibt in einem Haus, mit Weihnachtsbaum und mehreren kleinen Kindern im Hintergrund und Geschenke im Hintergrund