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氷だらけの世界で吹雪。太陽が輝く。遠くに大きな炎の塔が立つ。手前に長ズボンの軍人女性。茶色の長髪で、目は赤。ヘルメットを被る。上着だけがビキニ。 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A blizzard in a world of ice. The sun shines. In the distance, a towering flame of fire stands. In front, a military woman with long pants. Brown long hair, red eyes. Wearing a helmet. Only the top is a bikini.


怖いモンスター怪獣が海から現れる。獅子舞の獅子のような怪物。体はライオン、頭に角がある。 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A scary monster emerges from the sea. A creature resembling a lion dance lion. Its body is like a lion, with horns on its head.


Ein dunkler Steinway-Konzertflügel an einem mystischen Ort auf einer Karibikinsel mit Lichtreflexion, etwas Schatten und Fels mit Palmen  by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A dark Steinway concert grand piano at a mystical location on a Caribbean island with light reflection, some shadow, and rocks with palm trees.

Ein dunkler Steinway-Konzertflügel an einem mystischen Ort auf einer Karibikinsel mit Lichtreflexion, etwas Schatten und Fels mit Palmen

esport logo kopf sport aggresiv hyene tier scharz weiß rote augen lefze front ohne hintergrund detailreich by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

esport logo head sport aggressive hyena animal black white red eyes left front without background detailed

esport logo kopf sport aggresiv hyene tier scharz weiß rote augen lefze front ohne hintergrund detailreich

 Elfenbeinskulptur Jugendstil Sternmotor by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Ivory sculpture Art Nouveau Sternmotor

Elfenbeinskulptur Jugendstil Sternmotor

軍服のかわいい女性。眼球は黒、髪の色は黒。銃を持っている。サルのワッペンがついてる by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A cute woman in military uniform. Her eyes are black, and her hair is black. She is holding a gun. There is a monkey patch on it.


没有背景,卡通风格。My dad is  funny. He plays ball with a little girl,they are black hair by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

No background, cartoon style. My dad is funny. He plays ball with a little girl, they have black hair.

没有背景,卡通风格。My dad is funny. He plays ball with a little girl,they are black hair

奄美大島の夜明けの市街地、長い黒髪、目はオッドアイ、左目は黒、右目は青色、体はスレンダー、表情が笑顔、冬のセーラー服、年齢は14歳、少女、中学生、全身、体の向きは正面、両手を差し伸べる、アニメ by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

The city area at dawn on Amami Ōshima, long black hair, heterochromatic eyes, left eye black, right eye blue, slender body, smiling expression, winter sailor uniform, age 14, girl, middle school student, full body, facing forward, arms outstretched, anime style.


蜜粉吸油面紙產品 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Loose Powder Oil Absorbing Paper Product


軍服女性。銃を持っている。サルのワッペンがついてる by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Female soldier. Holding a gun. Has a monkey patch.


没有背景,卡通风格。My dad is  funny. He tells  stories with a little girl,they are black hair。 helps the girl learn and makes she brave. by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

No background, cartoon style. My dad is funny. He tells stories with a little girl, they are both black-haired. He helps the girl learn and makes her brave.

没有背景,卡通风格。My dad is funny. He tells stories with a little girl,they are black hair。 helps the girl learn and makes she brave.

奄美大島の夜明けの市街地、長い黒髪、目はオッドアイ、左目は黒、右目は青色、体はスレンダー、表情が笑顔、冬のセーラー服、年齢は14歳、少女、中学生、全身、体の向きは正面、両手を差し伸べる、アニメ by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

The cityscape at dawn on Amami Ōshima, long black hair, heterochromatic eyes (left eye black, right eye blue), slender body, smiling expression, winter sailor uniform, age 14, a young girl, middle school student, full body, facing forward, arms outstretched, anime style.


香氛化妝收納花瓶 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Fragrance Makeup Storage Vase


훈훈하고 엄청 잘생겼고, 탄탄한 근육질 남성. by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Handsome and incredibly good-looking, with a muscular and toned physique.

훈훈하고 엄청 잘생겼고, 탄탄한 근육질 남성.

刷子擺出來會變成花形狀的收納瓶 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A brush holder that forms a flower shape when displayed.


和風でお風呂がついてるホテル by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A hotel with a bath in the Japanese style.


怖いモンスター怪獣が海から現れる。獅子舞の獅子のような怪物。体はライオン、頭に鹿のような角がある。 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A scary monster emerges from the sea, resembling a lion dance lion. Its body is like a lion's, and it has deer-like horns on its head.


森の中の遠くに古くからの日本家屋が立っているのが見える。手入れなどはあまりされていないのか、瓦にはところどころヒビが入っており、あたりの草木もまるでこの家を取り囲むように生い茂っている。 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

I can see an old Japanese house far in the forest. It doesn't seem to be well-maintained; the tiles are cracked in places, and the surrounding vegetation has grown so thick that it seems to envelop the house.


白髪の老男が村にやって来る。ぼろぼろの服を着て、杖を持ち、穏やかな表情で歩いている by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

An old man with white hair comes to the village. He is wearing tattered clothes, carrying a cane, and walking with a gentle expression.


森の中のかなり遠くのほうに古くからの日本家屋が立っているのが見える。手入れなどはあまりされていないのか、瓦にはところどころヒビが入っており、あたりの草木もまるでこの家を取り囲むように生い茂っている。 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A Japanese house of ancient origin can be seen standing quite far into the forest. It seems that little maintenance has been done, as the roof tiles are cracked in places, and the surrounding vegetation has grown so thickly that it seems to envelop the house.
