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帮我生成一个图片:夜晚极光,在雪地里写出FCY,有氛围感,比例1:1 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Generate an image for me: Northern lights at night, writing "FCY" in the snow, with an atmospheric feel, aspect ratio 1:1.


Reiter mit Bogen und Krone auf einem weissen Pferd by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Archer with bow and crown on a white horse.

Reiter mit Bogen und Krone auf einem weissen Pferd

큰 파란 눈을 가진 치비스타일. 캐릭터는 짧은 금발머리로 갈색 루돌프 코스튬을 입고 있다 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A chibi-style character with big blue eyes. The character has short blonde hair and is wearing a brown Rudolph costume.

큰 파란 눈을 가진 치비스타일. 캐릭터는 짧은 금발머리로 갈색 루돌프 코스튬을 입고 있다

京都 超リアル 木彫り仏像 お堂の中 薄暗い ロウソクの灯り 数人の仏像 凛々しい顔 正面から見る 金剛力士像 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Kyoto, ultra-realistic wooden Buddhist statues, inside the hall, dimly lit, candlelight, several statues, fierce faces, viewed from the front, Vajra Warrior statues.

京都 超リアル 木彫り仏像 お堂の中 薄暗い ロウソクの灯り 数人の仏像 凛々しい顔 正面から見る 金剛力士像

piscine une partie sud de la France privée by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

pool a private southern part of France

piscine une partie sud de la France privée

ブーツを履いたアニメ風の丈の長いメイド服を着た女性の立ち絵 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

An anime-style standing illustration of a woman wearing a long-skirted maid outfit with boots.


ポケモン ピカチュウ シナモンロールの上にたつ 腕を組む 背景戦場 戦闘服きてる by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Pikachu standing on a cinnamon roll, arms crossed, background battlefield, wearing combat gear.

ポケモン ピカチュウ シナモンロールの上にたつ 腕を組む 背景戦場 戦闘服きてる

扇を持ったチャイナ服の女性 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A woman in Chinese clothing holding a fan.


Ein junger abendteurer der auf die alten Ruinen zugeht. Im hintergrund der kleiner werdende mystische wald by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A young adventurer heading towards the ancient ruins. In the background, the mystical forest becomes smaller.

Ein junger abendteurer der auf die alten Ruinen zugeht. Im hintergrund der kleiner werdende mystische wald

Schwarz weis papagai zum ausmalen by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Black and white parrot to color

Schwarz weis papagai zum ausmalen

超リアル 木彫り仏像 お堂の中 薄暗い ロウソクの灯り 数人の仏像 凛々しい顔 正面から見る 金剛力士 この背景にロウソク2本   by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Super realistic wooden carved Buddha statues in the dimly lit hall, the light of candles, several Buddha statues with dignified faces, viewed from the front, Vajrapani, with two candles in the background.

超リアル 木彫り仏像 お堂の中 薄暗い ロウソクの灯り 数人の仏像 凛々しい顔 正面から見る 金剛力士 この背景にロウソク2本  

큰 파란 눈을 가진 치비스타일. 캐릭터는 짧은 금발머리로 갈색 루돌프 코스튬을 입고 있다 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A chibi-style character with big blue eyes. The character has short blonde hair and is wearing a brown Rudolph costume.

큰 파란 눈을 가진 치비스타일. 캐릭터는 짧은 금발머리로 갈색 루돌프 코스튬을 입고 있다

飛び立つ かっこいいドラゴン羽をひろげる 戦場 夜  ぴかちゅう村という看板をたてる かんばんにぴかちゅうのってる by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Taking off, a cool dragon spreads its wings, battlefield, night, a signboard stands with the words "Pika Chu Village," and the sign says "Pika Chu."

飛び立つ かっこいいドラゴン羽をひろげる 戦場 夜  ぴかちゅう村という看板をたてる かんばんにぴかちゅうのってる


静かに降る雪が街を包む 夜空に輝く 星たちの下で 願いを込めて トナカイが目覚める 赤い鼻の光が夜を照らす

勇気を胸に 振り向かずに進む 仲間と共に クリスマスを届けに

走れ、輝く赤い光 夜空を切り裂くそのリーダー 導け、希望の星へ サンタの夢を乗せて

鐘の音が響く 夜の静寂 トナカイたちの足音が舞う by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A Radiant Night The snow falls quietly, enveloping the city, under the stars shining in the night sky, with wishes in their hearts, the reindeer awaken, the light of their red noses illuminating the night. With courage in their hearts, they move forward without looking back, together with their companions, delivering Christmas. Run, the radiant red light, the leader that tears through the night sky. Guide, towards the star of hope, carrying Santa's dream. The sound of bells echoes, the stillness of the night, the hoofbeats of the reindeer dance.

光り輝く夜 静かに降る雪が街を包む 夜空に輝く 星たちの下で 願いを込めて トナカイが目覚める 赤い鼻の光が夜を照らす 勇気を胸に 振り向かずに進む 仲間と共に クリスマスを届けに 走れ、輝く赤い光 夜空を切り裂くそのリーダー 導け、希望の星へ サンタの夢を乗せて 鐘の音が響く 夜の静寂 トナカイたちの足音が舞う

Schwarz weis Schildkröte zum ausmalen by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Black and white turtle to color

Schwarz weis Schildkröte zum ausmalen

ファンタジー 背景 森の上 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Fantasy Background - Above the Forest

ファンタジー 背景 森の上


静かな夜空に雪が降る 星が輝き、夢が広がる 冷たい風が二人を包む この夜、君と踊る

光の舞踏会、奇跡の時間 魔法が解ける前に手を取って

雪が舞う、君と舞う 夢の中で煌めく 雪が舞う、奇跡の夜 心繋ぐリズムで by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A night of miraculous snowfall Snow falls quietly in the night sky, stars shine, and dreams spread. The cold wind envelops the two of us. On this night, I dance with you. A ball of light, a miraculous time. Take my hand before the magic fades. Snow dances, I dance with you. Shining in the dream. Snow dances, a night of miracles. In the rhythm that connects our hearts.

雪舞う奇跡の夜 静かな夜空に雪が降る 星が輝き、夢が広がる 冷たい風が二人を包む この夜、君と踊る 光の舞踏会、奇跡の時間 魔法が解ける前に手を取って 雪が舞う、君と舞う 夢の中で煌めく 雪が舞う、奇跡の夜 心繋ぐリズムで

Schwarz weis Eichhörnchen zum ausmalen by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Black and white squirrel to color

Schwarz weis Eichhörnchen zum ausmalen

Schwarz weis Hirsch zum ausmalen by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Black and white deer to color

Schwarz weis Hirsch zum ausmalen


雪が舞うこの街で 君を探してる
遠く離れた時間を 越えて今ここに

君に伝えたいんだ すべての想いを

奇跡のイブに 出会えた愛
星空の下で 二人寄り添い
奇跡の夜は 今始まる by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

"Miracle Eve (Arranged for Female Vocals)" Searching for you in this town where snowflakes dance, Crossing the distant time that separated us, here I am now. The town's lights shimmer, In this moment my heart dances, I want to convey to you, all my feelings. Meeting love on this miracle eve, Under the starry sky, we come close, We've overcome the distance, This miracle night, now begins.

奇跡のイブ(女性を配置するように) 雪が舞うこの街で 君を探してる 遠く離れた時間を 越えて今ここに 街の灯りが煌めいて 心が踊るこの瞬間 君に伝えたいんだ すべての想いを 奇跡のイブに 出会えた愛 星空の下で 二人寄り添い 距離なんて飛び越えた 奇跡の夜は 今始まる