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The scene of Japanese elementary school children playing happily indoors.
Generate an image for me: Create a school built on an alien spaceship, where the facilities are filled with a sense of advanced technology.
The scene of Japanese elementary school children playing happily indoors with the staff.
Please draw a characterized image of Yu Gwan-sun waving the Taegeukgi. Save the file as a PNG.
태극기를 펄럭이는 유관순 열사를 케릭터화해서 그려줘 파일은 PNG로 해주고
Please draw a characterized image of Yu Gwan-sun waving the Taegeukgi (Korean flag). The file should be in PNG format, and the image resolution should be at least 2000x2000.
태극기를 펄럭이는 유관순 열사를 케릭터화해서 그려줘 파일은 PNG로 해주고 이미지 해상도는 2000x2000최소야
"Is that so? Then thank you." The boy Giovannino in a coat bowed and left the building of the farm at sunset.
There are large old trees along the left path, and on each branch of the old trees, there are very large and splendid flowers blooming like peonies.
왼쪽 길 옆으로 커다란 고목나무들이 있고 그 고목나무 가지마다 작약처럼 매우 크고 화려한 꽃이 피어있다
There are large old trees along the left path, and very large and magnificent flowers like peonies bloom on every branch of the old trees.
왼쪽 길 옆으로 커다란 고목나무들이 있고 작약처럼 매우 크고 화려한 꽃들이 고목나무 가지마다 피어있다
A young woman is resting her hand on her chin, pondering, with a question mark above her head.
The boy Giovanni, wearing his coat, thought to himself. Today, with just a single shining silver coin, he could buy condensed milk at the store and go home.
A muscular brown man standing with his back to the viewer, holding a lit small cigarette (smoke is coming out of the cigarette) in his mouth. Unstyled, messy, dark brown hair.
homme marron musclé se tenant de dos. tenant une petite cigarette allumée (la fumée s'échappe de la cigarette) avec sa bouche. Les cheveux non coiffé, ébouriffée et de couleur marron foncé.
Two female foreign tourists are sightseeing at a famous Japanese temple. The two are placed in the center. Take off the sunglasses.
Organization Master "Seiri Kiyota" Name: Seiri Kiyota (清田 整理) Age: 32 years old Occupation: Office Manager Characteristics: - The desk is always clean and organized. - Before leaving the office, he perfectly prepares for the next day. - All necessary documents and tools are labeled and neatly organized. - He generously provides advice on organization and tidiness to his colleagues. Catchphrases: - "Organization is the key to success." - "Let's tidy up today to make tomorrow easier for ourselves." Hobbies: - Creating storage spaces through DIY. - Updating organization-related blogs and social media. Reputation among colleagues: - "Thanks to Mr. Kiyota, the workplace has become much more comfortable!" - "I always rely on him; he's a true professional in organization and tidiness." Visual Image: - Simple and clean attire, well-groomed hairstyle. - Holding a label maker and organizing tools as his trademark. - Friendly and approachable with a smile.
整理整頓マスター「清田 整理 (きよた せいり)」 名前: 清田 整理 (きよた せいり) 年齢: 32歳 職業: オフィスマネージャー 特徴: デスクの上は常に清潔で整頓されている 退社前には、翌日の準備を完璧に整えてから帰宅 必要な書類や道具はすべてラベル付けされ、分かりやすく整理されている 同僚たちに整理整頓のアドバイスを惜しみなく提供 口癖: 「整理整頓は成功の鍵だよ。」 「明日の自分を楽にするために、今日のうちに片付けよう。」 趣味: DIYで収納スペースを作ること オーガナイズ関連のブログやSNSの更新 同僚からの評判: 「清田さんのおかげで、職場がすごく快適になった!」 「いつも頼りにしてるよ、整理整頓のプロフェッショナルだからね。」 ビジュアルイメージ シンプルで清潔感のある服装、整ったヘアスタイル 手に持ったラベルライターや整頓道具がトレードマーク 笑顔で親しみやすい雰囲気
The boy Giovanni, wearing his coat, thought. Oh, how I wish I had money. Even blue apples are already being made.
コートを着たジョバンニ少年は考えました。ああ、ぼくはどんなにお金がほしいだろう。 青いリンゴだってもうできているんだ。
A muscular brown man standing from the back. The man is slightly turned to the right, holding a lit small cigarette (a lot of smoke is coming out of the cigarette) with his mouth. Unstyled, messy, dark brown hair.
homme marron musclé se tenant de dos. l'homme est legerement tourne vers la droite tenant une petite cigarette allumée (beaucoup de fumée s'échappe de la cigarette) avec sa bouche. Les cheveux non coiffé, ébouriffée et de couleur marron foncé.
But Ah, my mother is waiting for me at home right now. Giovannino thought of returning home quickly to the house where his mother was waiting in bed.
けれど ああ、おっかさんは、いまうちでぼくを待っている。 ジョバンニ少年はお母さんがベッドで待っている家に早く帰ろうと思いました
A drop of water also contains the grace of heaven and earth, I humbly express my gratitude.
Một giọt nước cũng chứa đầy ơn huệ của đất trời, con xin nguyện tri ân.
Invitation to Advent Party Theme is "From Darkness to Light" for students in grades 5-7. It should somehow feel youthful, and in the center, there must be the possibility to enter text. Only on the sides, take colors from top to bottom, from darkness to light, leaving space in the middle for the invitation text.
Einladung Adventsfeier Thema ist licht von Dunkel zu Hell für schüler schülerinnen klasse 5-7 irgendwie soll es jugendlich wirken und in der Mitte muss es die Möglichkeit geben, Text einzugeben nur seitlich Farben nehmen von oben nach unten von Dunkelheit zu Licht, in der Mitte platz lassen für den Einladungstext