
Favori görüntülerinizi keşfedin ve paylaşın

alter Mann, weiße Haare, grüne Augen, grüne Wichtelmütze, lange Hose, Elfenohren, freundlich,  Anime, schwarze Stiefel, Schürze  by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

old man, white hair, green eyes, green gnome hat, long pants, elf ears, friendly, anime, black boots, apron

alter Mann, weiße Haare, grüne Augen, grüne Wichtelmütze, lange Hose, Elfenohren, freundlich, Anime, schwarze Stiefel, Schürze

winkekatze als knochenskellet, maneki neko, dark backround, anatomie, sitzend, matt, mit atemschutzmaske, isometric-art, frontal by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

winking cat as a skeleton, maneki neko, dark background, anatomy, sitting, matte, with a respirator mask, isometric art, frontal

winkekatze als knochenskellet, maneki neko, dark backround, anatomie, sitzend, matt, mit atemschutzmaske, isometric-art, frontal

シルエットを作成してください。人が唾を吐いているイラストをお願いします by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Please create a silhouette. I would like an illustration of a person spitting.


Ein Kind hat Hunger und weint, die mutter ist abgelenkt vom handy. Die Mutter schaut neutral. Das Kind hat kein handy. nur die mutter hat ein handy und die mutter lacht. Das kind weint. Die Mutter lacht. Das Kind hat hunger. die mutter schaut nur auf ihr smartphone by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A child is hungry and crying, the mother is distracted by her phone. The mother looks neutral. The child has no phone. Only the mother has a phone and the mother is laughing. The child is crying. The mother is laughing. The child is hungry. The mother is only looking at her smartphone.

Ein Kind hat Hunger und weint, die mutter ist abgelenkt vom handy. Die Mutter schaut neutral. Das Kind hat kein handy. nur die mutter hat ein handy und die mutter lacht. Das kind weint. Die Mutter lacht. Das Kind hat hunger. die mutter schaut nur auf ihr smartphone

winkekatze als knochenskellet, maneki neko, dark backround, sitzend, frontal, geometric-illustration, vektorzeichnung, schwarz&weiß, eckig, rechteckig, papercoppy-overlay by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

winking cat as a skeleton, maneki neko, dark background, sitting, frontal, geometric-illustration, vector drawing, black & white, angular, rectangular, papercut-overlay

winkekatze als knochenskellet, maneki neko, dark backround, sitzend, frontal, geometric-illustration, vektorzeichnung, schwarz&weiß, eckig, rechteckig, papercoppy-overlay

peinture, blanc, rose, jaune, poudré, crémeux, évocateur, coeur, nez by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

painting, white, pink, yellow, powdered, creamy, evocative, heart, nose

peinture, blanc, rose, jaune, poudré, crémeux, évocateur, coeur, nez

迷いの中で探してる 真実の自分を見つけたくて 心の声に耳を澄ませ 新しい道を開いていく

信じることが怖かったけど 今はもう恐れはない

I'm finding my way, oh-oh 新しい私を追いかけて Breaking free, oh-oh 影を照らして進む by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Searching in the midst of confusion, wanting to find the true self, listening to the voice within, opening up a new path. Although it was scary to believe, now there is no longer any fear. I'm finding my way, oh-oh, chasing the new me. Breaking free, oh-oh, moving forward while illuminating the shadows.

迷いの中で探してる 真実の自分を見つけたくて 心の声に耳を澄ませ 新しい道を開いていく 信じることが怖かったけど 今はもう恐れはない I'm finding my way, oh-oh 新しい私を追いかけて Breaking free, oh-oh 影を照らして進む

アニメ風。女性的な顔の男子で、目は澄んだ水色。髪は長めの茶髪 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Anime style. A male with a feminine face and clear aqua-colored eyes. Long, brown hair.


内装、広々、シック、4つの個室、ブライダル場控室廊下 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Interior, spacious, chic, four private rooms, bridal waiting room corridor.


オールアルミのハードトップスポーツカー by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

All-aluminum hardtop sports car.


흰 배경의 앞머리가 있는 갈색 낮은 긴 트윈 테일의 하얀 셔츠의  by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A brown low long twin tail with a white background bangs wearing a white shirt.

흰 배경의 앞머리가 있는 갈색 낮은 긴 트윈 테일의 하얀 셔츠의

Älterer Mann, weiße Haare, Bart, blaue Augen, grüne Wichtelmütze, Hose, Elfenohren, freundlich,  Anime, schwarze Stiefel, braune Jacke, Brille, groß by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Older man, white hair, beard, blue eyes, green gnome hat, pants, elf ears, friendly, anime, black boots, brown jacket, glasses, tall

Älterer Mann, weiße Haare, Bart, blaue Augen, grüne Wichtelmütze, Hose, Elfenohren, freundlich, Anime, schwarze Stiefel, braune Jacke, Brille, groß

雪が降り積もる 静かな夜 影が動く 朽ちた記憶 聞こえる声は 遠い過去の 嘆きと共に 甦る

消えた笑顔と 流れた涙 心に刻まれた 傷跡

Ghosts of Christmas, haunting me 悲劇の運命が ささやく Ghosts of Christmas, set me free 今宵 運命に向かう by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A silent night where snow piles up, shadows move, and memories decay. Voices I hear, distant past, sorrow awakens with them. Vanished smiles and flowing tears, scars etched in my heart. Ghosts of Christmas, haunting me, a tragic fate whispers. Ghosts of Christmas, set me free, tonight I face destiny.

雪が降り積もる 静かな夜 影が動く 朽ちた記憶 聞こえる声は 遠い過去の 嘆きと共に 甦る 消えた笑顔と 流れた涙 心に刻まれた 傷跡 Ghosts of Christmas, haunting me 悲劇の運命が ささやく Ghosts of Christmas, set me free 今宵 運命に向かう

남자 아이 인데 곱상하게 생겼다 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

He's a boy, but he's very handsome.

남자 아이 인데 곱상하게 생겼다

Weihnachtsmann fliegt im Weihnachtsschlitten mit sechs Rentieren am Schlitten angebunden im Winter bei Nacht über eine Stadt mit hellen Lichtern und einem Weihnachtsbaum auf einem großen Platz und im Weihnachtsschlitten sind Geschenke by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Santa Claus flies in a sleigh pulled by six reindeer tied to the sleigh at night in winter over a city with bright lights and a Christmas tree on a large square, and there are presents in the sleigh.

Weihnachtsmann fliegt im Weihnachtsschlitten mit sechs Rentieren am Schlitten angebunden im Winter bei Nacht über eine Stadt mit hellen Lichtern und einem Weihnachtsbaum auf einem großen Platz und im Weihnachtsschlitten sind Geschenke

Einen Steampunk-Baum mit verschlungenen Wurzeln by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

A steampunk tree with intertwined roots

Einen Steampunk-Baum mit verschlungenen Wurzeln

内装、広々、シック、4つ扉、王宮廊下、 by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Interior, spacious, chic, four doors, palace corridor,


일본의 밤 길거리 건물 아래에서 비를 피하고 있는 귀여운 검은고양이 두마리 지브리스타일로 그려줘  by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Two cute black cats taking shelter under a building on a Japanese night street, drawn in Studio Ghibli style.

일본의 밤 길거리 건물 아래에서 비를 피하고 있는 귀여운 검은고양이 두마리 지브리스타일로 그려줘

冬の夜空 見上げれば 光る北極星 遠くに 導く光 希望の輝き 旅人の心 照らしてくれる

闇を越えて 光を求め 未知の世界へ 踏み出そう この星が示す道をたどって 新たな冒険 始まる

Shining star, guiding light Lead me through the darkest night 北極星 輝いて 希望の星 永遠に by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

Looking up at the winter night sky, the shining North Star, a guiding light far away, illuminates the traveler's heart with the brilliance of hope. Crossing through the darkness, seeking light, let's step into the unknown world. Following the path shown by this star, a new adventure begins. Shining star, guiding light, lead me through the darkest night. The North Star shines, the star of hope, forever.

冬の夜空 見上げれば 光る北極星 遠くに 導く光 希望の輝き 旅人の心 照らしてくれる 闇を越えて 光を求め 未知の世界へ 踏み出そう この星が示す道をたどって 新たな冒険 始まる Shining star, guiding light Lead me through the darkest night 北極星 輝いて 希望の星 永遠に

懐かしい風が ささやくように あの日の思い出 蘇る 月夜の下で 揺れる影と 君の微笑み 夢の中へ

手を伸ばせば 届きそうな 君の声が まだ響いている

涙の雨が 心を濡らし
愛の花びら 散りゆく時
あの日の約束 消えてゆくけどooo
忘れないよ 君の温もりiiiii by Ücretsiz AI Görüntü Oluşturucu - Giriş gerektirmez✨ | AIGAZOU

The nostalgic wind whispers, like the memories of that day reviving under the moonlight, where the swaying shadow and your smile lead into a dream. If I reach out, your voice, which still echoes, seems within reach. Tears like rain moisten the heart, When the petals of love scatter away, Though the promise of that day fades, ooo I won't forget your warmth, iiiii

懐かしい風が ささやくように あの日の思い出 蘇る 月夜の下で 揺れる影と 君の微笑み 夢の中へ 手を伸ばせば 届きそうな 君の声が まだ響いている 涙の雨が 心を濡らし 愛の花びら 散りゆく時 あの日の約束 消えてゆくけどooo 忘れないよ 君の温もりiiiii