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A silhouette of three adults reaching out their hands towards a crying child with a backdrop of buildings.
In the forest, there are two girls with bob haircuts and wearing hakama, holding laptops. A large cat with a mix of brown and black fur is sleeping on their lap.
A self-standing square cloth, like a translucent curtain glowing in warm tones. Below it, a shadow ripples like water. Taken with a pull.
In the background of a forest and a university campus, a girl in a hakama with brown hair tied in a bun and a girl with a bob are with a cat that has a mix of black and brown fur.
A bald rugby player's logo on a John Deere tractor with "Gallouët" written on it.
Un logo d’un rugbyman chauve qui est sur un tracteur john deer avec écrit « Gallouët »
mindmap or concept representation of an architectural project located in Saint-Brevins-les-Pins (more specifically Mindin) in France. With the question of how to deal with the rise in sea level.
mindmap oder konzeptdarstellung von einem entwursprojekt in der architektur, welches sich an dem ort saint-brevins-les-pins (um genauer zu sein Mindin) in Frankreich befindet. Mit der Fragestellung wie man mit der erhöhung des meeresspiegels umgeht.
A rugby player's logo on a tractor with "Gallouet" written on it.
Un logo d’un rugbyman qui est sur un tracteur avec écrit « Gallouet »
In the foreground: there are 10 candles on a birthday cake that reads "Mutual Audit - 10 years" and is between two champagne flutes. Just behind, a rooster with a bow tie and a white hen with a birthday hat, both very cheerful and happy, are about to blow out the candles. In the background, dairy products, drinks, fruits and vegetables, and prepared dishes under a single banner "Happy New Year 2025", all in a very festive atmosphere with confetti and streamers.
Au premier plan: on compte 10 bougies sur un gâteau d'anniversaire sur lequel il est inscrit "Mutual Audit - 10 ans" et qui est entre deux flûtes de champagne. Juste derrière, un coq avec un noeud papillon et une poule blanche avec un chapeau d'anniversaire, très souriants et l'air heureux, s'apprêtent à souffler sur le bougies. En dernier plan, des produits laitiers, des boissons, des fruits et légumes, des plats préparés sous une unique banderole "Bonne année 2025", le tout dans une ambiance très festive avec des cotillons et serpentins
A Pepe frog in the forest and a black xxxl pants and a red white sweatshirt
Ein Pepe frog im Wald und einer Schwarzen xxxl Hose und einem rot Weißem Sweatshirt
The young boy Giovannino involuntarily felt a start and tried to turn back, but then changed his mind and walked towards them with even more determination. And when he was about to call out to the boys holding lamps in their hands, asking, "Are you going to the river?", his throat tightened and he couldn't make a sound.
ジョバンニ少年は思わずどきっとして戻ろうとしましたが、思い直して、いっそう勢いよくそっちへ歩いていきました。 そして手にランプを持っている少年たちに「 川へ行くの?」とジョバンニ少年が声をかけようとしたとき、のどがつまり声がでませんでした、
The boy Giovannino involuntarily felt a start and tried to turn back, but then changed his mind and walked over there with even more determination. And when he was about to call out to the boys holding lanterns in their hands, "Are you going to the river?" Giovannino's throat tightened and he couldn't make a sound.
ジョバンニ少年は思わずどきっとして戻ろうとしましたが、思い直して、いっそう勢いよくそっちへ歩いていきました。 そして手にランプを持っている少年たちに「 川へ行くの?」とジョバンニ少年が声をかけようとしたとき、のどがつまり声がでませんでした、
In the picture, a boy and a girl are arguing over a ball.
Auf dem Bild ist ein Junge und ein Mädchen, die streiten wegen einem Ball
Apply a light layer of pastel lavender eyeshadow, and for the crease, use coral brown. For the lips, apply a light muted rose color. Also, apply gloss to the lips. This is the face of a Japanese girl as seen from the front.